
Variable était le nom d’un laboratoire Free Libre Open Source Software Arts géré par Constant entre 2011 et 2014 à la rue Gallait à Bruxelles.

Constant Variable space thread on the website
Click here for the Variable Wiki

Moving in!

Start moving in!
Variable Connected: surprise video :-)

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Opening preparations

Painting, sewing, cleaning, rearanging..

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We are open

Madame Crickx in the house!

With guided tours and a concert by Anton Aeki
More images & housewarming anouncement

Relearn 2013

Suite à leur série d’ateliers et de Print Parties, le collectif Open Source Publishing propose l’école d’été Relearn Libre Graphics


Relearn announcement
2013 edition archive and traces

Relearn 2014

In 2014, the whole building is activated again for the second edition of Relearn

Workshops and more

Relearn Libre Graphics Summer school 2014 announcement
2014 edition archive and traces


Un évenenement mensuel ouvert à tout le monde, avec de courtes présentations et un apéro, pour goûter au travail effectué dans les studios collectifs de Variable et échanger, croiser, infecter, mélanger les esprits et les compétences qui se réunissent dans la maison Variable.

Loops on the Constant website
Loop Wiki

Loop #1

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Loop #2

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Loop #3, Loop #4

Loop #5 @ Recyclart

A series of ultrashort presentations in Recyclart about experimental projects developed in the studios of ’Variable’ in Schaerbeek.

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Loop #6

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Loop #8, Loop #9, Loop #10, Loop #11, Loop #12, Loop #13

Loop #14 @ Recyclart

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Loop #15

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Loop #16

Post-variable loops

These loops took place after Variable stopped: in the Constant office, in F/LAT and in Osp.

Loop @ Constant

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Loop @ F/LAT, Loop @ F/LAT, Loop @ Osp

Etat des lieux

Cartographie du réseau par Urantsetseg Ulziikhuu (2014)

Click here for the mapping

Other Workshops and events

First year BBQ

With all Variable labs open, Pure Data Patching Circles, and the work of the editorial team of the Libre Graphics Magazine.

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Happy 1st Birthday Variable invitation

Second year BBQ

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Happy 2nd Birthday Variable invitation

Variable @ De Kriekelaar: A Free Libre Open Source Software Art Exhibition

Variable, the Free Libre Open Source Software Arts Lab in Schaerbeek, presented an exhibition in the foyer of De Kriekelaar. A selection of projects developed in the house was be available to the eyes and ears of the public for a month: from graphic design to photographic collage, from tactile installation to sound installation, from video to music, from e-literature to data banks on line. The common thread? Open softwares and participatory work that truly characterized Variable from beginning to end.

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Exhibition announcement


And more:

Open Sound lab

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OS Video

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Public Library Hack Session

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Sint-Lucas architectuur workshop

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Open Hardware: The Glove - how to measure fingers

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Art Institure of Chicago visit

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Recipes for sharing

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Variable Kriekelaar calendar

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Pure data patching circle

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Emma Hedditch

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OSP Public Meet + Exiled Cuisine

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Dataradio workshop

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Blender & Python

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Feza @ Variable

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Constant Variable Pirate Box

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Variable as a keyword in Gallery