Relearn: Variable Summerschool

(inscription closed)

Relearn is a summerschool with as many teachers as it has participants. It is about sharing and trying Free Culture practices, and is entirely done with Free, Libre and Open Source software. Relearn takes place in Variable, a collectively run F/LOSS Arts Lab in Brussels. It starts from the idea that tools are increasingly mediated by software and the algorithmic and legal dynamics that constraint and shape its use. Reconnecting to the physical and digital material of those tools is a means of (re)asserting ownership and ensuring active participation in the future of our work practices.

Relearn welcomes participants "”artists, students, teachers, practitioners"” from all ages and disciplines.

Special thanks to La Poissonnerie

With the support of the Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie.

@ Constant Variable

rue Gallaitstraat 80, 1030 Brussel / Bruxelles