Variable Loop ! #8

Constant Variable celebrates her second anniversary !

Therefore we’re happy to invite you to celebrate this together on Thursday 5th September, during this special edition of the Variable Loop !, our monthly dates for ultrashort presentations and exchanges with the artists who made them in the F/LOSS Arts Lab.

You will be able to alternate the demos and discussions with tasting sessions of good wine and some of the most delicious vegetarian recipees for the barbecue.

You’re very welcome at 17h in rue Gallaitstraat 80 in 1030 Schaerbeek.
Do not hesitate to bring some festive food or drinks that can accompany our barbecue.

Please confirm your presence before 30th August ny mail :
Hope to see you then !

VARIABLE is a ’Free Libre Open Source Software (F/LOSS) Arts Lab’. There are collective workspaces for hardware, design, textile, sound, video... VARIABLE welcome artists to work with, discover, experience, get involved with open source software. Variable is supported by Constant vzw, Vlaamse Overheid, Vlaamse GemeenschapsCommissie, Commune of Schaerbeek.

@ Variable

Rue Gallait 80 1030 Brussels