Variable @ De Kriekelaar: A Free Libre Open Source Software Art Exhibition

Variable, the Free Libre Open Source Software Arts Lab in Schaerbeek, presents an exhibition in the foyer of De Kriekelaar from 12th June till 12th July. This exhibition is the closure of an adventure that started in 2011.
A selection of projects developed in the house will be available to the eyes and ears of the public for a month: from graphic design to photographic collage, from tactile installation to sound installation, from video to music, from e-literature to data banks on line. The common thread? Open softwares and participatory work that truly characterized Variable from beginning to end.

The exhibition is open from Monday till Friday, from 9h till 17h.
Nocturnes: on June 27 during the garden party at De Kriekelaar; and on July 12, during the farewell party of Variable.

With works by: Julien Deswaef, Mathieu Gabiot, Pierre Huyghebaert, Silvio Lorusso, An Mertens, Michael Murtaugh, Open Source Publishing, Stéfan Piat, Jonathan Poliart, Yves Poliart, Natacha Roussel, Femke Snelting, Peter Westenberg, Claire Williams, Wendy Van Wynsberghe, François Zajéga.

Supported by the Flemish Community Commission and the Flemish Cultural Center De Kriekelaar.

@ De Kriekelaar

Gallaitstraat 86
B-1030 Schaarbeek