Finissage Variable!

After three intense and beautiful years the F/LOSS Art Studio Variable will move out of the residence of VGC in Schaerbeek. To celebrate one last time we warmly invite you to join us for the Final Finissage!

On the program are:

* the finissage of the Free Libre Open Source Software Art Exhibition ’Variable @ De Kriekelaar’, with guided tours

* the finissage of the F/LOSS Art Lab, with guided tours around the research of the 60 people who will have shared thoughts and time during one week of Relearn Summerschool

* a luxurious vegetarian barbecue

* a cocktail & other drinks

* music by DJs Cagoule & Carolus

Please bring your favourite vegetables, meat if you need it (can be cooked in the kitchen) and your largest smiles!

Please confirm your presence by e-mail before July the 4th:

Variable is realised with the support Vlaamse Overheid, Vlaamse GemeenschapsCommissie van het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest, Commune of Schaerbeek

@ Variable

rue Gallaitstraat 80, 1030 Brussel / Bruxelles