The design caravan Open Source Publishing will host the next Post-Variable-Loop (aka. LOOP) in their brand new space on Thursday 13th November 2014.
LOOP is an informal moment for everyone who would like to meet F/LOSS artists, taste their work or present own work, and engage in a discussion around it. If you’d like to present something, fill in a slot on the Variable wiki: http://variable.constantvzw.org/define/index.php/Post_Variable_VARIABLE-LOOP#9_Octobre_2014

LOOP was originally the name of a monthly open door moments at Variable, the ’Free Libre Open Source Software (F/LOSS) Arts Lab’ that existed during three years in Schaerbeek. By continuing these meetings we create regular encounters for the growing network of F/LOSS artists, designers and programmers in Brussels and beyond.

LOOP is an initiative of OSP, F/LAT and Constant.


Avenue Princesse Elisabeth / Princes Elisabethlaan 46, 1030 Schaerbeek / Schaarbeek