
Active Taxonomies

The Active Archive team presents their ongoing work at the Fundació Antoni Tàpies. The meeting with several other Spanish cultural institutions is organised in the context of Arts combinatóries, a (…)

Active Archives: archiving starts now

How can taxonomies of various cultural institutions be brought into relation? How could we develop tools that map differences, variations and overlaps? In what way can we facilitate negotiations (…)

Algolit meets Grapa: kitchen table presentation

A meeting between residents: Olivier Heinry and An Mertens, members of the working group around algorithm and literature Algolit and Olatz Otalora and Daniela Brill, members of the collective (…)

Apero Promiscuous Pipelines

At this special edition of the FoAM apéro you can discover some of the processes that we have been running at Promiscuous Pipelines, a worksession trying to re-imagine modularity, knowing that (…)

Art+Feminism edit-a-thon

Participate to a weekend dedicated to the subject of art and feminism, learn more about wikipedia editing and help promoting diversity among the online encyclopedia’s community and articles! A (…)

Blender BPY/BGE

Monthly meeting on using Blender as a render engine for Python. The packages BPY and BGE provide api’s for the modelling and game-engine functions of Blender that can be scripted using the (…)

Blender BPY/BGE

Monthly meeting on using Blender as a render engine for Python. The packages BPY and BGE provide api’s for the modelling and game-engine functions of Blender that can be scripted using the (…)

Blender BPY/BGE

Monthly meeting on using Blender as a render engine for Python. The packages BPY and BGE provide api’s for the modelling and game-engine functions of Blender that can be scripted using the (…)

Blender : a valid alternative to proprietary tools in the professional world!

This meeting about the 3D-animation tool Blender is an open discussion between participants in which we talk about the desires for the content to be treated in the upcoming series of Blender (…)

Court Circuit Court: Social fabrics: on protocols, textile and salutations

Short Circuit / Short Process is the first edition of PiNG’s Summer Lab. Constant member Wendy Van Wynsberghe will host an atelier on salutations and greeting rituals. Make textile sensors that (…)

Daniel Miracle kitchentable presentation is a collective co-ordinated by artist Daniel Miracle who works in the field of experimental audiovisuals and television. From 1998 onwards has worked with streaming, (…)

Dialogue table: Travelling words

An exchange about words that cross borders, words that install themselves in a new linguistic and geographic environment. This dialogue table is organised by the Dutch speaking Library of (…)

E-Culture Fair

As part of the E-CULTURE FAIR 2010, BALTAN Laboratories is organising a presentation of Dutch, Belgian and German media art laboratories in Dortmund. Constant is one of the labs presented at (…)

Eclectic Tech Carnival @ Samedies

The Brussels based collective Samedies (Women and Free Software) host their colleagues from the Eclectic Tech Festival for a weekend of workshops, presentations, discussions and more.

Kdenlive meeting

Kdenlive is a complete open-source non lineair timeline edit software for Linux and OSX. This is the first of two meetings in which we will collectively discover the ins and outs of the software (…)

Kunstenwerkplaats Reflection afternoon

Kunstenwerkplaatsen (Art labs) are a broad category of divers initiatives difficult to capture under one umbrella. Fact is that they are all research based, and center stage artistic (…)

LABtoLAB Brussels

Constant takes part in the European exchange network of media-organisations LabtoLab. In the week of 24 - 29 January, our partners Medialab Prado Madrid, Kitchen Budapest and PING Nantes will (…)


One day before the Libre Graphics meeting starts, Constant organises LG-school, aimed at teachers and students from art- and design schools in Belgium and abroad. LG-school is an intense day (…)

LOOP #13

The studiobuilding VARIABLE opens its doors every first thursday of the month for ’LOOP’, an informal moment for everyone who would like to meet the artists, taste the work, see the studio-spaces. (…)


The design caravan Open Source Publishing will host the next Post-Variable-Loop (aka. LOOP) in their brand new space on Thursday 13th November 2014. LOOP is an informal moment for everyone who (…)

LabtoLab Nantes: Digital Cultures Laboratory

LABtoLAB is a European network of media labs that aims to create a platform for: – sharing experiences and ways of doing; – studying specific cases; – exploring the role of the lab in offering (…)

!Mediengruppe Bitnik roundtable

NO ARCHIVE! #OP_HUMAN_CARGO - OPERATION HUMAN CARGO, RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRADICAL REAL TIME, !Mediengruppe Bitnik will be coming to Variable for a work residency for the whole month of (…)

OS Video Meet and Screen

During these meetings audio visual makers who are interested in Open Source, show what they are working on, exchange experiences. At these meetings we also plan future workshops, screenings, (…)

OS Video Meet and Screen

ATTENTION: New Schedule: 18:00 Meet Screen Chat @ Rue Gallait 20:00 go to Nova: The first informal ’Open Source Audio Visual’ meeting of (…)

OS Video meeting

Osvideo meetings are for artists and video-enthousiasts who share an interest in open source software. During this informal get together, artist Stéfan Piat will talk about the way he uses (…)

OS Video meeting

A meeting open to everybody working with video, curious for free software and open source ways of creating video. This first meeting of the year will be to prepare the coming meetings, to fix some (…)

OSvideo meeting

Video camera’s and still image camera’s that record video produce a range of different file types. Working with these files can be a challenge. Codecs and compressions are not always compatible (…)

OSvideo meeting

Open source video meetings are for those artists and video makers who are enthusiastic about open source tools. We’ll discuss ideas for the soon to be opened ’osvideo lab’. Please bring your (…)

OSvideo meeting

A meeting for people interested in working with video and open source tools. Some tasks are easier done by typing commands in a terminal then by using a graphic interface software. Selecting (…)

Open source video meeting

A continuation of the previous session when we looked into some basic mencoder / ffmpeg commands to edit video. Based on the work of all participants we’ll investigate what these tools can mean (…)

Osvideo meeting

Open Source Video meetings are loosely organised meetings for artists who are interested in open source tools for working with video. This meeting several participants will show works made in (…)

Osvideo meeting

Welcome at the first meeting of the new year. Open for everyone who is interested in working with Open Source Video tools. Topics of the day: How to produce boxed images / split screens / inserts (…)

Osvideo meeting

A meeting for artists, filmers, video makers, vj fanatics, artists who are interested in working with open source tools. During this meeting we’ll take some exemple projects of participants as (…)

Osvideo meeting

A meeting for those who are interested in working with Open Source Video tools. Topics of the day to be determined.Suggestions? Send a mail to: or join the osvideo mailing (…)

Osvideo meeting

An open work moment for everyone working with video and open source software. This meeting is an opportunity to work on your transcoding, your time line editing, your experimental video-scripts in (…)

Public Domain Day 2016

Copyright is an important tool that allows to protect the creation and distribution of creative works. But Public Domain is also essential because it makes free access to these works possible. (…)

Pure Data Patching Circle @ Variable #03

During this session, upon request of some participants, we’ll have a look at the different options available toward video treatment, for loop playing/mixing as well as video effects, with the (…)

Pure data patching circle Brussels @ Variable #04

During this session, we’ll have a look at different techniques and methods to "detect and react" to some conditions, in order to have an interactive behavior of a patch. As it is a need to be (…)

Pure data patching circle Brussels @ Variable #06

*//*The Patching Circles are open workshop session to learn and share about the pure-data software and other. This session will make us a loop, permitting us to revisit sound processing (…)

Pure data patching circle Brussels @ Variable #07

*//*The Patching Circles are open workshop sessions to learn and share about the pure-data software and other. Nicolas d’Alessandro will come to present us his approach to speech synthesis, (…)

Regime Change

As a contribution to the a.pass event The Artist Commoner : Public Meeting, Kate Rich, Femke Snelting and Magdalena Tyzlik-Carver propose a day long session, aimed at aligning the a.pass (…)

Research Meeting: Networked Graphics

The first ever Research Meeting in the context of the Libre Graphics Research Unit was organised by Worm and themed Networked Graphics. 30 participants from across Europe gathered in Rotterdam for (…)

Samedie #31: Organisation chitchat

A meeting of the collective Women & Free Software without workshops or productive code reading, rather a discussion about future plans & organisational resets.

Samedie #35: Sox, e-speak & scripting

A meeting of the group of women & free software around sox scripting and the integration of sox & e-speak in XML.

Samedies #16: Total Reboot Amaya

Amaya will resurrect in her proper DMZ and with a new domain name:

Samedies #28: Explorations & exchange

The collective around the server Amaya meets up to continue explorations and exchanges in bash/mysql#free social networktools etc. 9.30h - 10h: welcome & breakfast 10h -13h: Collective (…)

Samedies #30: Liberation

Yet another meeting of women & free software. On the program: – 10h -11h:30 (Constant) : Sécurité de base : nouveaux mdp pour Amaya en utilisant John the Ripper, croissants, café, thé – (…)

Samedies #32: Man Special +*

The collective of Women & Free software meet for a special session around MAN + bash, how to get the best out of man; followed by a work session around VOIP & the installation of the (…)

Samedies #34: ACTA & co

he 6-weekly meeting of women & free software will concentrate on the ACTA-agreement, how the negociations are going and what we can do as citizens. We welcome Amelia Andersdotter, European (…)

Samedies #39: Packaging

The Samedies is a collective of women using free software, meeting up every six weeks on a Saturday. This session looks at how to make a Debian package. The language spoken at Samedies is French. (…)

Samedies #41: Artefact

The women of Samedies will visit Constant’s project on Protocols for Transmission at Artefact in Leuven. Constant will host a special session for les Samediennes in the staircase of STUK.

Samedies #43: What comes to the table

STARTING AT 15:00 The last Samedies before summer is an occasion to get together and discuss past, current and future projects. On the table: Informal discussions, ad-hoc performances, (…)

Sharing ideas

The group of artists, geeks, hackers, programmers, researchers that will be part of the work session in deBuren, will present a first overview of their ideas. With a.o. presentations by Peter (…)

Splinterfields 3/4: ALOTOF

The third encounter in the Splinterfields series is organised by OKNo. In 2013 OKNO launched ALOTOF (A Laboratory On The Open Fields), an international long-term experiment exploring the (…)

Variable Loop #12

The studiobuilding VARIABLE opens its doors every first thursday of the month for ’LOOP’, an informal moment for everyone who would like to meet the artists, taste the work, see the studio-space. (…)

Variable Loop ! #2

Join this informal moment to taste some of the work that is being done in the collective studios in Variable. Between 17:00 - 19:00 there are micro presentations, drinks, chats: barcamp style. (…)

Variable Loop ! #3

Join this informal moment to taste some of the work that is being done in the collective studios in Variable. Between 17:00 - 19:00 there are micro presentations, drinks, chats: barcamp style. (…)

Variable Loop ! #4

Join this informal moment to taste some of the work that is being done in the collective studios in Variable. Between 17:00 - 19:00 there are micro presentations, drinks, chats: barcamp style. (…)

Variable Loop #1

Join this informal moment to taste some of the work that is being done in the collective studio’s in Variable. Between 17:00 - 19:00 there are micro presentations, drinks, chats. Variable Loop (…)

Variable @ LSM Brussels

An Mertens will present the F/LOSS Arts Lab Variable at the yearly Free Software Meeting LSM/RMML. From 6th till 11th of July this institution of the Libre Software world, the LSM invites all (…)