Festival ·

Verbindingen / Jonctions

Annual multidisciplinary festival that was organised by Constant between 2000 and 2013

The program of Verbindingen/Jonctions (VJ) combined high-, low- and no-tech strategies from utopian, contemporary, traditional and tribal cultures with open standards, free licenses, feminism and queer theories. The festival offered radio makers, artists, software programmers, academics, linux users, interface designers, urban explorers, performance artists, technicians, lawyers and others an occasion to experience each other’s practices, and to share their activities and interests with a broad public of visitors interested.

On-line traces of the 14 editions:

Related events

Happy New Year’s Bookdrink

This is a warm invitation to celebrate. Yes, we have an extra reason to start 2015 with bubbles! During the last edition of the meetingdays Verbindingen/Jonctions in December 2013 we invited a (…)

Booksprint Are You Being Served

During the last edition of the meetingdays Verbindingen/Jonctions in December 2013 we invited the participants to collaborate with a team of ’dedicated notetakers’ to report live on the workshops (…)

Are you being Served

Internet is becoming more and more densely populated with services that monitor data traffic, networks and users. Cloud computing services claim a good, safe and transparent use of your data, but (…)

Are You Being Served?

The fourtheenth edition of Verbindingen/Jonctions is dedicated to a feminist review of mesh- cloud- autonomous- and D.I.Y. servers. Welcome to four intense meetingdays mixing lectures, screenings, (…)

By Data We Mean

Presentation of V/J12 e-publication in Constant Variable

Connection Protocols in Artefact 2012

As part of the Artefact Festival in Stuk Leuven, organised around ’The Social Contract’, Constant will present Connection Protocols. Not only people but also bots, search engines and spiders (…)

Verbindingen / Jonctions 13

Jonctions/Verbindingen 13: Prototypes for transmission 5 meetingdays around connection protocols, on-line networks and the Internet as public space. Prototypes for transmission looks at the (…)

First Contact

Tuesday 24 May @ 19:00 the D.I.Y. bookscanner built by/in Hackerspace Brussels will be operated for the first time through a speculative software that Pierre Marchand developed with contributions (…)

V/J13 GML Field Recorder Challenge

Constant supports the GML Field Recorder Challenge, an initiative of Evan Roth to launch a contest for the design of an easily reproducible DIY device that can unobtrusively record graffiti motion (…)

Order now: Tracks in electr(on)ic fields

Tracks in electr(on)ic fields is a new Constant publication with texts and images documenting the 10th Verbindingen/Jonctions festival. This publication contains contributions in English, French (…)