Tegendraadse cartografieën

Nederlandse tekst

Measured poises, crowd noises

2019 @ Hacktiris, Brussels

Measured poises, crowd noises invites you for a walk at the annual Christmas market in the centre of Brussels. Accompanied by the scent of gluhwein and croustillons, we will observe and discuss surveillance techniques that are currently being deployed at Winterpret and other major events in Brussels. Wireless crowd management technologies have become a very common method to monitor crowds in public spaces based on the unique identifiers of their mobile phones. They keep a close eye on the movements of city dwellers through public space, without requiring their explicit permission or active cooperation. (Read more)


2017 @ Beursschouwburg, Brussels

Presentation of groupwork

This worksession experimented with ways to chart heres, wheres and others. This worksession situates itself at the crossing of technologies with geographies, life’s courses, bodies, terrains and deplacements. (Read more)

Post-digital Archive Experience

2017 @ Aalborg University, Aalborg

Exercise: categorisation of backpack contents

Peter Westenberg and An Mertens were invited to Aalborg University, to give a workshop and a masterclass for a group of students of the Erasmus JMD program in Media Arts Cultures. (Read more)

From Bosnia to the world and back

2015 @ Constant_V, Brussel

Road works problematising viewing the cartography

«From Bosnia to the world and back» is a cartographic project by Rafaella Houlstan-Hasaerts, that situates the Bosnia “neighborhood” in Saint-Gilles in the middle of its worldwide network. (Read More)

Collision 1: Badness and Conflict

2013 @ Constant Variable, Brussels

If we consider typographic and cartographic objects as “spatial arrangement of texts and other graphical elements”, than their design is essentially the work of organising collisions. In a conventional design practice, many systems are at work to prevent accidents from happening. Tension is deflated through erasure, simplification and filtering. What would be ways to articulate collisions, instead of avoiding them? (Read more)

(…) Ciencia, territorio y narrativas subjetivas

2012 @ Hangar, Barcelona

The objective of the workshop is to propose a re-narration of the project “(…) Ciencia, territorio y narrativas subjetivas” and explore the scientific language from a feminist perspective. (Read more)

Tagging Matters: Kitchentable presentations

2011 @ Constant Variable, Brussels

Tagging Matters explores the writerly work of tagging in relation to ideas behind the Semantic Web. Active Archives started on the principle of “we are no islands”, …(Read more)

Stitching Stories - reNUM

2010 @ reNUM, Nantes

Participant busy map-stitching

The association PiNG organises reNUM, an exhibition with collective electronic creations made by artists and a group of people of 60 years old and above.
Constant orgainsed a workshop Stitching Stories; a textile sound & digital cartography, based on interviews, between testimony and fiction. (Read more)

Saint Gilles surveillance camera’s map Plein Open Air Carto

2010 @ Plein Open Air festival, Brussels

During the PleinOpenAir festival we organised a walk to index surveillance camera’s installed in Saint-Gilles.


Software history mapping night

2008 @ OSP, Brussels

In a first attempt to draw a collaborative map of the many different tools that together define the practice of digital design, OSP attempts to recollect facts and anecdotes gathered over the (Read more)


2008 @ Recyclart, Brussels

Busboîtescartesmaps is an event in the framework of the Towards project that combines subjective representations of the Brussels’ terrain which the development of a software for subjective. (Read more)

Afternoon Topography Sessions IV: New (Media) Topography

2008 @ Beursschouwburg, Brussels

New media conceptualize space in terms of interhuman and concrete relationships. Their cartographic representation show how these different dimensions are linked to each other and tries to (Read more)

Blind Softspots & Deviating mapware

2007 @ Recyclart, Brussels

Nicolas Malevé and Peter Westenberg present in IBAI/Recyclart their exercice in exploiting the imperfections and in-between-spaces that grow in stitches, blind spots and the data-abundance of (…)


2007, Brussels

GPS drawings

We wander through the streets of the city center with our bike and GPS and we will process the data acquired in the morning and upload them on the openstreeetmap’s website. (Read more)

Routes + Routines

2006 - ongoing @ Brussels, Belgium, World




Routes + Routines is a series of city walks; surprise visits to unexpected corners of Brussels. The project tests out various methods for diverting and changing routines, and as a result your (Read more)

Surveillance diverse camera maps

ERG surveillance camera mapping

In this article you will find some links to diverse projects around the mapping of surveillance camera’s. Some are in the framework of urban activist walks, others educational or artistic interventions. (Read more)

V/J 11.2 Mapping me / mapping you

2008 @ Compilotheque, Brussels

Wearing the magic SUDO cape

A round table meeting about cartography investigating GEOdata control, different layers and perspectives on the art of mapping, subjective cartographic perception and /Home as private territory. (Read more)

Brussels map of surveillance cameras

2000 @ Brussels

Camera at police office Saint-Gilles

Brussel, onder het oog van de camera’s. Een antieke muse siert de zijde van het operagebouw van de Koninklijke Munt. Langs deze sculptuur loopt een plastieken buis naar beneden van waaruit de voedingskabel van een beveiligingscamera verschijnt. Aan de voet van dit tijdloos symbool van de inspiratie volgt een elektronisch oog alle voorbijgangers.(Read more)


2010 -> now, online

GenderArtNet’s primary aim is to thematically link the various existing online resources of feminist and queer artists, projects and networks rather than provide yet another user platform for artist profiles. By connecting existing, often remote, online resources, we would like to improve the accessibility and readability of these resources while keeping the memory of feminist artistic and cultural production in the broader Europe alive. (Go to website)

Here is a collection of articles on the Constant website about various activities of the project:


2006 - 2019, online

Towards is een poging om het Brussels terrein subjectief in kaart te brengen.


Here’s a collection of articles and links: http://constantvzw.org/site/-Towards,35-.html