December 2020 - November 2021

  • June
  • In seven on-line installations, artists show how digital collections of cultural institutions could welcome very different and even opposing views. Decolonial and intersectional perspectives call for a rethinking of on-line cultural heritage. What if we would arrange otherwise, invent material (…)

  • September
  • Soundtrack of the vitrine
    Opening: FRIDAY 25th September, 18:00-22:00, Constant
    This installation tells the story of a modest quest; looking for something while being unsure whether it actually exists. It is an attempt to navigate the past, present and future despite geographic and (…)

  • December
  • SOS Relief is an online tool that allows those with surplus to transfer small amounts of money to who is short. The initiative offers concrete financial support for everyone in Belgium who needs it. State of the Arts: "SOS Relief is based on a different way of thinking: solidarity, (…)

  • Algorithms and Text, Slippery Knowledge, Collective Hospitality, Pattern Recognition ... this year’s Warp and Weft collection activates the mesohyl of Constant’s on-line ecosystem and threads tracks through sounds, videos and images hosted on our servers.
    Warps invite you to navigate to and (…)

  • Here:
    DiVersions engaged with the potential of on-line cultural heritage for welcoming various forms of collaboration, allowing conflicts to show up, and make space for other narratives. In dialogue with cultural institutions and their collections, the (…)

  • Algolit will meet around e-traces, a collection of articles on the surveillance society and the trading of data, gathered over the last 10 years by artist Michel Cleempoel. The proposal is to take topic modelling as an algorithmic agent to ’read through’ the data. We will meet online: (…)

  • January 2021
  • Second version of a digital and printed publication with new and reworked contributions by among others Rahel Aima, Anaïs Berck, Gert Biesta, Z. Blace, Daniel Blanga Gubbay, Cristina Cochior, Sarah Kaerts, Anne Laforet, Phil Langley, Marie Lécrivain, Nicolas Malevé, Elodie Mugrefya, Zoumana (…)

  • Two radio-documentaries by Jen Debauche, "Le Sanglier et le papillon" and "La Mue" can be listened to in the window of the Constant office. Language: French
    "I was working for the European Commission, I was leading a seminar in Portugal, I slept 3 hours a day. Instead of going to my office one (…)

  • A conversation about current and future technological infrastructures for solidarity. Elodie Mugrefya, Femke Snelting, Wendy Van Wynsberghe of Constant, speak with media anthropologist and activist Miriyam Aouragh about the relations between political activism and technological criticism. How to (…)

  • Unfortunately, this listening session has been cancelled due to Covid19 measures.
    The documentaries Le sanglier et le papillon and La mue by Jen Debauche can be listened to in the window of the office of Constant.
    See also: (…)

  • February
  • Reclaiming Digital Infrastructures is a research collaboration with KASK School of Arts in Gent taking serious the question how to understand digital networks and communication tools as an integral part of the art education. In this first issue, Monday Readings invites you to an online active (…)

  • Reclaiming Digital Infrastructures is a research collaboration with KASK School of Arts in Gent taking serious the question how to understand digital networks and communication tools as an integral part of the art education.
    The Speculating on networked interdependencies and relationality (…)

  • March
  • On Monday, March 8 we stop. Together with Bye Bye Binary, Constant joins the feminist strike to call attention to the difficult conditions under which people* keep things going in the street, at school, at home, on call, in the hospital, on the server, at the distribution center, in the (…)

  • This event is dedicated to different projects that reflect on the practices of digital catalogs, classification systems and other forms of systematic organization of knowledge. It will make a moment, in the form of an informal conversation, to consider together the less visible but fundamental (…)

  • A hands-on conversation on the ongoing techno-political transformations in (remote) learning environments. How to infrastructure otherwise in more just and solidary ways? On de-schooling, interdependent learning and The bundle theory of the student-user. With Martino Morandi, Jara Rocha and (…)

  • Reclaiming Digital Infrastructures is a research collaboration with KASK School of Arts in Gent taking serious the question how to understand digital networks and communication tools as an integral part of the art education.
    During this session, we will explore minimal viable forms of learning (…)

  • April
  • This is the open call for: Session 2: BIDSTON OBSERVATORY, Liverpool UK Monday August 2 -> Sunday 7 August 2021
    The open call for Session 1 in Eben-Ezer, BE is here.
    Description The aim of the Down Dwars Delà sessions is to collectively assemble and study a tools-not-box (see it more as a (…)

  • This Warp* documents the worksession Bureacracksy.
    Bureaucracksy took place between 7 and 12 December 2020 and brought together artivist practices around the imaginative re-appropriations of rules and regulations. Critical attitudes, artistic positions, creative bureaucrats re-purposed and (…)

  • Bureaucracktic Bedtime Stories is a collection of contributions in many media that originate from the worksession Bureaucracksy.
    You can still register to the publication Bureaucracktic Bedtime Stories untill June 1.
    This is a time base estaffette naration originating from artivist practices (…)

  • SPECTRAL DESIRE PATHS Spectral Desire Paths is a collaboration between an arts organization (Constant), a technology company (Sensolus) and a research group (Urban Species). Constant connects collective artistic work with free software and intersectional feminist thinking. Sensolus makes (…)

  • This the open call for: Session 1: EBEN-EZER TOWER, Bassenge, Belgium Monday July 12 -> Saturday July 17, 2021
    The open call for Session 2 in Bidston, UK, you can find here
    Description The aim of the Down Dwars Delà sessions is to collectively assemble and study a tools-not-box (see it (…)

  • The Capitalithothèque is a work in progress that attempts to develop ’perforalithic’ practices, chipping away at ubiquitous turbo capitalism. In its current form, Capitalithothèque is a collection of mineral debris sourced from various financial institutions in Brussels.
    The presentation in (…)

  • Monday Readings are a series of convivial situations to research our technological and infrastructural inter-dependencies. They bring our everyday technical encounters in conversation with theoretical and political thinking, by close-reading technologies as if they were texts, and viceversa. (…)

  • Elodie and Femke present and discuss Collective Conditions with students of Code & Context, an interdisciplinary Bachelor programme at the Technische Hochschule in Cologne, Germany.

  • Reclaiming Digital Infrastructures is a research collaboration with KASK School of Arts in Gent taking serious the question how to understand digital networks and communication tools as an integral part of the art education.
    RDI4: Hiding trees among the forest
    During this session, Seda (…)

  • May
  • Constant_V is a series of small-scale installations in the window of the Constant office, at rue du Fortstraat 5 in Saint-Gilles. On Saturday May 8, Constant_V will move to the neighbours in the rue du Fortstraat. It is an invitation to discover the evolution of previously exhibited works and (…)

  • Testing 2, 1, 4. test. test.
    Radio Implicancies is back with eight weekly self-hosted broadcasts developed for and with XPUB, Piet Zwart Media Design Master in Rotterdam; Thursdays from 16:00-17:00.
    Radio Implicancies emits the signals of changing constellations, bringing forth different (…)

  • The CC4r articulates conditions for re-using authored materials. It is inspired by the principles of Free Culture but tries to respond to a growing discomfort with licenses that remain bound to the idea of authorship as ownership and which rely on an universalist approach to openness. The CC4r (…)

  • A cartographic installation by the collective Technopolice will be hosted in Constant’s window.
    Opening: Wednesday June the 30th, 2021 at 18:00
    The deployment of "Smart city" (security) tools aiming at controlling, monitoring, classifying, punishing in order to orient and regulate behaviors (…)

  • July
  • As of 1 July 2021, Constant discontinues it’s membership of the Free Software Foundation.
    This withdrawal does not change Constant’s continued commitment to software released under conditions that invite users to run, copy, distribute, study, change and improve.
    With many others, Constant (…)

  • Z33 and Constant are very happy to announce the launch of the collective publication of Alchorisma. The result is an online platform designed by Dorian and Gijs from Open Source Publishing.
    The launch will happen online July 1 19:30-21 CEST, on this platform: (…)

  • The documentation of Unbound Libraries is there!
    Unbound Libraries was a worksession that happened in June 2020. It was the first worksession of Constant entirely online as covid had made its entry into our realities. For this documentation, we decided to invite 4 participants of the (…)

  • It’s hard not to notice them, cameras are everywhere!
    In the streets, in the offices, in the lobbies, in the stores...
    How did this surveillance method develop until it became omnipresent? What budgets are allocated to it? With what objectives or justifications? How are they distributed in (…)

  • MARCH is a journal of art & strategy that embraces publishing as an act of protest to address the critical social and political issues of our time.
    MARCH launches their first long term inquiry, Publishing As Protocol, which aims to explore the relationship between self-organizational (…)

  • Opening: Thursday 23 September 2021 18:00 > 22:00 @ Constant
    LATOS, SLATO, OTLAS and TALOS are among the names from which a group of researchers (Ayoh Kré, Lionel Maes, Deborah Levy & Antoine Wang) operate. What they have in common is that their privileged fields of study are made up of a (…)

  • October
  • What we learn and how we learn are closely related. Now that digital learning seems to have become a new norm, it is important to be able to read and understand the digital tools that we use and allow artistic knowledge to play a role in this.
    This collaboration with KASK, School of Arts in (…)

  • November
  • With: Constant + Nubo Languages: EN / FR / NL (to be defined on site)
    In the framework of the SOTA fair arts Almanac 2022
    This session interrogates the ethics of the digital devices, the services, platforms and softwares which we use as artists, designers, organisers and people working (…)

  • Constant participated at a working visit to the Basque Country for art professionals from Flanders on November 15, 16 and 17, 2021. This visit was organised by the Etxepare Basque Institute and Kunstenpunt and it took place in the cities of San Sebastian, Bilbao and Vitoria-Gasteiz.
    The goal (…)

  • A workshop - discussion with the artists around the installation Talking Network by LATOS showed currently in the window of Constant.
    Thursday 18 - 11 - 2021 14:00 > 17:00
    Room Calcutta @ Pianofabriek, rue du Fortstraat 35, 1060 St-Gilles | Sint-Gillis
    Limited number of places. Please book (…)

  • Is it possible for algorithms to read a poetic story in an archive of news articles on digital surveillance, updated daily by the same person for fifteen years? Can algorithms read a similar story in the texts of a database as that which is told by its creator?
    The members of the collective (…)

  • A wintery collection of on-line pages. Warps invite you to navigate to and through documentation, media and notes. Wefts are thematic constellations that establish relationships between different projects in the Constant Galaxy.
    The wefts and warps introduce a specific way of writing, (…)

  • Constant is in Transmediale’s Almanac for Refusal!
    Elodie Mugrefya was invited to contribute to the last cycle of the Almanac for Refusal, part of the now year-long Transmediale Festival. This work is a continuation of the research started within Constant_V under the title How does it matter (…)

  • Constant was invited to participate to the project Teaching the Radical Catalogue: A syllabus. The initiators of the project Eva Weinmayr and Lucie Kolb aim at developing a syllabus for the study of cultures of searching and finding in libraries of the global North.
    Femke Snelting and Elodie (…)