• November 2013
  • Constant members Michael Murtaugh and Nicolas Malevé present a second iteration of the Data Radio in the framework of the Kurenniemi’s retrpospective in Kiasma. The project is a webradio that broadcasts Kurenniemi’s audio archive. Live stream is made of audio files from the archive, audio tracks (…)

  • January
  • Make your own music using a computer! As the workshop will be in French, the rest of this article is also in French. Thanks for your comprehension. Vous êtes fan de techno, de rap où de musique de films ? L’atelier Open Sound Lab propose de réaliser vous-même vos propres productions grâce aux (…)

  • Blender bpy/bge: Introduction to shaders 10:00 -> 18:00

  • Feel like sculpting in 3D using Blender?
    The workshop consists of a one day course with exercises and treats frequently asked questions.
    Participants are invited to propose ideas for one day projects and long term research.
    Participation is open for debutants and experts.
    Language: (…)

  • Radio Bosnia is a monthly radio broadcast with a choice of hybrid, translinguist, invented, unreal, neologist words recorded in the borough Bosnie in the neighborhood Saint-Gilles in Brussels.
    On the menu: the words of the month, portraits of people and places in the neighborhood.
    Radio (…)

  • Internet is becoming more and more densely populated with services that monitor data traffic, networks and users. Cloud computing services claim a good, safe and transparent use of your data, but these very data are stored in unknown places and ’served’ back to you wherever and whenever you (…)

  • Constant member Peter Westenberg contributes with a lecture and a workshop to the event Dispositifs Post-, which is organised by Idensitat, Fundació Antoni Tàpies, Recreant Cruïlles, Sala d’Art Jove and Hangar in Barcelona.
    24-25.01.2014 | SEMINAR Place: Fundació Antoni Tàpies, Aragó 255, (…)

  • Each year, as of January 1, thousands of works enter into the public domain, 70 years after the death of their authors. The period of protection by copyright expires, and the works become a public treasure that everyone can appreciate and use freely.
    This year, on 25th January, we will (…)

  • February
  • The work by Constant, The Death of the Authors/edition 1941, is on show in the virtual gallery of Jeu de Paume during the exhibition ’PRINT ERROR/ PUBLISHING IN THE DIGITAL AGE’ curated by Alessandro Ludovico, artist, new media theorist and chief editor of the magazine Neural.
    This online (…)

  • Jaron Rowan from Conservas/FcForum will do a short presentation of a booklet aimed at analyzing and understanding the economic models that sustain free cultural practices to later suggest a set of policiy reccomendations aimed at helping this emerging sector to develope. After an initial phase (…)

  • The studiobuilding VARIABLE opens its doors every first thursday of the month for ’LOOP’, an informal moment for everyone who would like to meet the artists, taste the work, see the studio-space. This Thursday there will be a.o. presentations by the artists in residency Maria Karagianni & (…)

  • Blender + Python : Introduction to python in Blender.
    Co-organized by François Zajéga, Julien Deswaef and David Collignon.

  • Brendan Howell, artist in residence from Berlin, will share his findings
    from a series of "Screenless Offiice" experiments. His intent is to
    produce an artistic operating system that does not require any raster
    based displays.
    During his residency, Brendan will work on several modules for a (…)

  • March
  • The studiobuilding VARIABLE opens its doors every first thursday of the month for ’LOOP’, an informal moment for everyone who would like to meet the artists, taste the work, see the studio-spaces.
    VARIABLE is a ’Free Libre Open Source Software (F/LOSS) Arts Lab’. There are collective (…)

  • The title of this Blender BPY/BGE workshop is a parody of the "Facebook lookback". The idea is to work on a series of scripts to automate the creation of movies based on images and videos taken from a folder. Ideally, by changing the content of the folder and re-running the scripts, you’d obtain (…)

  • This is a workshop on Blender. David Colignon guides participants through exercises. Together the group will address some Frequently Asked Questions surrounding Blender, such as:
    Does open source software stand a chance against their proprietary equivalent ? Is it possible to do a full open (…)

  • Laurence Claes, Aurea Harvey en Femke Snelting nemen deel aan een avond georganiseerd door de feministische organisatie L-Salon:
    "L-Salon installeert op 15 maart iSalon, een vrouwvriendelijke playground waar we met 0 en 1 aan de slag gaan. Drie female geeks geven hun invulling aan informatie- (…)

  • Radio Bosnie is a radio broadcast made with words recorded in the neighborhood Bosnie in Sint-Gilles, Brussels. On the menu: hybrid word of the month, portraits of extra-ordinairy people and places.
    Every thursday 11:00 on Radio Alma 101.9FM (Bxl) and on stream: www.radioalma.be
    Every fourth (…)

  • April
  • LGM2014: 2-5 April in Leipzig, Germany
    Four days of hacking, workshops, meetings, talks and presentations on Libre Graphics software and creative use. Join us in Leipzig to meet developers, designers, artists and discover new tools and experiments! Activities contributed by Constant members: (…)

  • (inscription closed)
    Relearn is a summerschool with as many teachers as it has participants. It is about sharing and trying Free Culture practices, and is entirely done with Free, Libre and Open Source software. Relearn takes place in Variable, a collectively run F/LOSS Arts Lab in Brussels. (…)

  • Quentin Geluyckens will explain the ’do and don’ts’ of 3D printing using Blender, a.o. mesh cleaning (using the solifidy modifier, checking for non-manifold mesh, size, edge sharpness and overhang of your model). We’ll also look at the few parametric modeling options available in Blender. (…)

  • Radio Bosnie is a radio broadcast made with words recorded in the neighborhood Bosnie in Sint-Gilles, Brussels. On the menu: hybrid word of the month, portraits of extra-ordinairy people and places.
    Every thursday 11:00 on Radio Alma 101.9FM (Bxl) and on stream: www.radioalma.be
    Every fourth (…)

  • Recyclart opens its doors for a series of ultrashort presentations on the experimental artwork created in the F/LOSS Arts Studio of Variable in Schaarbeek. An opportunity to meet the artists, designers, their work and their technologies.
    On the program: Claire Williams & Wendy Van (…)

  • May
  • In the Dutch speaking library of Saint-Gilles you can listen to a selection of words that were recorded in the neighborhood in the framework of the project Parlez-Vous Saint-Gillois ?
    With headphones you can listen to the stories of people who live in the neighborhood and the explenations of (…)

  • The studiobuilding VARIABLE opens its doors for an informal moment for everyone who would like to meet the artists, taste the work, see the studio-spaces. This Thursday there will be presentations by a.o. the actual residents of Variable: Marcell Mars, Sebastian Luetgert and Jan Gerber. (…)

  • Workshop - Blender Game Engine
    We’ll look at what is possible or not in the blender game engine and
    show a quick overview of both ways of working with it : with python
    scripting or with the logic block editor.
    Expect some awful projects and really silly game prototypes...
    Due to limited (…)

  • Radio Bosnia is a radio broadcast made with words recorded in the neighborhood Bosnie in Sint-Gilles, Brussels. On the menu this time: hybrid word of the month and a portrait of the free market at Place Bethlehem.
    Every thursday 11:00 on Radio Alma 101.9FM (Bxl) and on stream: www.radioalma.be (…)

  • In May, Constant hosts Marcell Mars, Sebastian Luetgert and Jan Gerber in Constant Variable. They are in Brussels to work on tools and infrastructures that facilitate free access to (digital) books.
    The Public Library is one of those vital institutions that we start to notice only once they go (…)

  • In 2013, Belgium universalist, pacifist and feminist Paul Otlet was recognized as ’a founding father of the Internet’. Simultaneously, Google adopted the remains of Otlet’s archive at the Mundaneum in Mons, not only home town of prime minister Elio Di Rupo but also conveniently located next to (…)

  • What is the biography of your server/service? What gender is your server/service? How does s/he deal with the law and how does the law deal with her/him? How do you take care of your server/service and how does s/he take care of you? Femke presents the Feminist Server Summit during the meeting (…)

  • June
  • This Thursday the studiobuilding VARIABLE opens its doors for the last LOOP! A Loop is an informal moment for everyone who would like to meet the artists, taste the work, see the studio-spaces.
    VARIABLE is a ’Free Libre Open Source Software (F/LOSS) Arts Lab’ till next month (the closing party (…)

  • Belgian Homeless Cup is a sports tournement for homeless people and asylum seekers. During this year’s edition, an all female football team will design new figurines on a kicker table. Homeless, non-idealised, non standard, women, men, trans, queer. By playing together, by producing new models (…)

  • Variable, the Free Libre Open Source Software Arts Lab in Schaerbeek, presents an exhibition in the foyer of De Kriekelaar from 12th June till 12th July. This exhibition is the closure of an adventure that started in 2011. A selection of projects developed in the house will be available to the (…)

  • Radio Bosnia is a radio broadcast made with words recorded in the neighborhood Bosnie in Sint-Gilles, Brussels. On the menu: hybrid words of the month and a portrait of a person or a place in the neighbourhood.
    Every Thursday 11:00 on Radio Alma 101.9FM (Bxl) and on stream: www.radioalma.be (…)

  • July
  • This workshop explores how we parse gender and gender representation when others are divorced from our bodies. The two hour workshop is structured around a kind of Turing test, in this case called the Strategies game. Groups take on the role of either the agent trying to ascertain gender, or the (…)

  • Radio Algolit is a performance presented by Nicolas Bourbaki. On the menu: creations with code and literature written, read and pronounced by humans and scripts working in intimate collaboration with other digital tools and platforms. The performance will be recorded and rebroadcasted though an (…)

  • (inscription closed)
    Relearn is a summerschool with as many teachers as it has participants. It is about sharing and trying Free Culture practices, and is entirely done with Free, Libre and Open Source software. Relearn takes place in Variable, a collectively run F/LOSS Arts Lab in Brussels. (…)

  • After three intense and beautiful years the F/LOSS Art Studio Variable will move out of the residence of VGC in Schaerbeek. To celebrate one last time we warmly invite you to join us for the Final Finissage!
    On the program are:
    * the finissage of the Free Libre Open Source Software Art (…)

  • Radio Bosnia is a radio broadcast made with words recorded in the neighborhood Bosnie in Sint-Gilles, Brussels. On the menu: hybrid words of the month and a conversation with special guest Anna Raimondo. Anna is an artist who is working in the neighborhood on her project "Play Babel".
    Every (…)

  • September
  • During the last edition of the meetingdays Verbindingen/Jonctions in December 2013 we invited the participants to collaborate with a team of ’dedicated notetakers’ to report live on the workshops and lectures using the collective platform Etherpad. They did an enormous amount of work.
    The (…)

  • This Thursday Constant will host the first Variable Loop after moving out from Variable in July! Variable Loop is an informal moment for everyone who would like to meet F/LOSS artists, taste their work or present own work, and engage in a discussion around it.
    Variable Loop was the name of a (…)

  • A workshop that takes as a starting point the archive of the Scandinavian Institute of Comparative Vandalism (SISV) initiated by Asger Jorn in 1961 with Peter Glob and Werner Jacobsen.
    Together with special guests Teresa Østergaard Pedersen (Aarhus University / Museum Jorn) and Matthew Fuller (…)

  • In the Dutch speaking library of Saint-Gilles you can listen to a selection of words that were recorded in the neighborhood in the framework of the project Parlez-Vous Saint-Gillois ?
    With headphones you can listen to the stories of people who live in the neighborhood and the explanations of (…)

  • GenderBlending is a six day worksession taking place from 17-22 November in Beursschouwburg, Brussels.
    GenderBlending calls body hackers, 3D theorists, game activists, queer designers, and software feminists around the table to challenge typical digital representations of the body, bending (…)

  • As a contribution to The Ministry of Hacking, a project developed by esc medienlabor in Graz, Constant presents a follow-up of the Feminist Server Summit. Around and after the event in December 2013, many other international meetings took place that challenged, continued and extended our (…)

  • October
  • The workshop "Open Sound Lab" has started again! This year, the activities will take place at the Cultural Centre Jacques Franck in Saint-Gilles.
    The workshops still focus on the training of young music lovers using sound generating softwares. This year there will be an additional focus, (…)

  • F/LAT will host the next Post-Variable-Loop (aka. LOOP) in their brand new space on Thursday 9th October 2014. Post-Variable-Loop is an informal moment for everyone who would like to meet F/LOSS artists, taste their work or present own work, and engage in a discussion around it. If you’d like (…)

  • Play Babel is a soundwalk by artist Anna Raimondo, through the neighborhood Bosnie in Saint-Gilles, Brussels. The walk is organised in the framework of the Constant project "Parlez-vous Saint-Gillois ?".
    The soundwalk Play Babel investigates the languages that are spoken by inhabitants of (…)

  • An exchange about words that cross borders, words that install themselves in a new linguistic and geographic environment. This dialogue table is organised by the Dutch speaking Library of Sint-Gillis and Constant, in collaboration with ’Brussels in dialogue’.
    Bring your favorite word and (…)

  • A few years ago the residents of Vooruitgangstraat/Rue du Progrès in Schaarbeek learnt some sobering news: some 30 homes would have to make way for the GEN (Regional Express Network), an expansion of the North station. This was the result of ongoing change to which the metropolis was subjected. (…)

  • In the framework of the yearly meeting day of the Pulse Transition network Culture, Femke Snelting and An Mertens will organise a workshop about ’Digital Commons’. Participants will discover processes of digitalisation and ways to remix work that belong to the global commons, through the works (…)

  • For the seminar Public Library. über Infrastrukturen der Wissensbildung (Public Library. About infrastructures of knowledge formation), Femke prepares a new episode of Fathers of the Internet, charting the overtures between an Internet giant, local governments and a historical archive.
    "In (…)

  • Workshop for tutors at BAU design college of Barcelona. With Gijs de Heij and Eric Schrijver (OSP).
    This workshop starts from our experience with using Free, Libre and Open Source software in our (graphic) design practice. We would like to share what this means for our own work, and more (…)

  • During this lecture in the framework of Barcelona’s Free Culture Forum, Constant member Femke Snelting introduces a book-in-the-making, an extensive collection of conversations between developers and designers involved in the wider ecosystem of Libre Graphics. Speaking to each other about tools (…)

  • We invite you to discover the project "Parlez-vous Saint-Gillois?" in music! For the first time the two musicians of Odessalavie will play in the wash center Bosnilav, Aurélie Charneux (clarinet) and Silvia Guerra (accordeon).
    Or how to play not too kasher klezmer music?

  • As part of this year’s Pink Screens Festival, Canadian editor, designer and researcher ginger coons explores in this workshop how we parse gender and gender representation when others are divorced from our bodies. This three hour workshop is structured around a kind of Turing test, in this case (…)

  • The design caravan Open Source Publishing will host the next Post-Variable-Loop (aka. LOOP) in their brand new space on Thursday 13th November 2014. LOOP is an informal moment for everyone who would like to meet F/LOSS artists, taste their work or present own work, and engage in a discussion (…)

  • Gender Blending gathers body hackers, 3D theorists, game activists, queer designers and software feminists around the table to challenge typical digital representations of the body, bending the rules of both gender and software.
    Using 3D animation software Blender, medical bodyscanners and (…)

  • A collection of games, video works, documents, objects and images that was compiled as a reference library for the GenderBlending worksession. Featuring the Diversity Kickertable, a modded kicker game that reflects on issues of representation.
    Come play 12:00-18:00, daily from 17 November to (…)

  • Some Birds Are More Like Fish is an evening of screenings, presentations and discussion around bodies beyond categories. From "speculative biologies" to parameters of detection, we’ll think together about representions of the human body and its crossroads with other species.
    The evening also (…)

  • Kick%Sync%Trans is an evening on de-normalizing/gendering sport hosted by Zeljko Blace. With presentations by artists Zeljko Blace and Lola Lasurt, and screening films by Tom Weller and Dylan Williams.
    Zeljko Blace is an artist and activist working with the tensions between norms in sport and (…)

  • December
  • Radio Bosnia is a radio broadcast made with words recorded in the neighborhood Bosnie in Sint-Gilles, Brussels.
    On Thursday 11:00 on Radio Alma 101.9FM (Bxl) and on stream: www.radioalma.be
    Rebroadcasted every fourth Thursday at 16:30 on Radio Panik 105.4 FM and on the stream: (…)

  • F/LAT will host the next LOOP on Thursday 18th December 2014. LOOP is an informal moment for everyone who would like to meet F/LOSS artists, taste their work or present own work, and engage in a discussion around it. If you’d like to present something, fill in a slot on the Variable wiki: (…)