About Tools, an exercise at Ladyfest
What tools do you use in your artistic practice, where do they come from, how were they made? Are they digital or physical?
Constant member Wendy Van Wynsberghe does a small intervention on this (…)
Algunos fragmentos entre ciencia y ficción
Bodies are locations of political, cultural, scientific and technological negociations. They are objects of science and knowledge, they are flexible and vulnerable, but they are also sites of (…)
Life Archives (Kurenniemi). Archive in Motion, workshop
The Archive in Motion investigates the ways in which archival concepts and practices have been transformed under the impact of the radical changes in writing and recording technologies. Archive in (…)
Ellentriek #15 meets Code, Arts & Crafts : Shielded - extend your Arduino
(CC BY-NC 2.0) Some rights reserved, image by _kzr
With an Arduino you can collect a lot of sensor data, from smelling gasses to measuring temperature or light and lots more. But how do you (…)
Your copier, scanner or mobile phone is broken and your local thrift store has kindly referred you to the dump? Don’t worry, inside these machines you can find all kinds of treasure, such as (…)
GenderArtNet @Cuerpo Impropio
Maria PtqK and Nicolas Malevé will present the GenderArtNet project - http://www.genderartnet.eu - in the seminar "Cuerpo Impropio, guia de modelos somapoliticos y de sus posibles usos desviados". (…)
GenderArtNet@Expeditions to the void
The project Expeditions to the Void, Science, Territory and subjective narratives, investigates the potential of subjective narratives created by a series of women artists who analyse, narrate and (…)
Belgian Homeless cup
Belgian Homeless Cup is a sports tournement for homeless people and asylum seekers. During this year’s edition, an all female football team will design new figurines on a kicker table. Homeless, (…)
Wicked Technologies | Wild Fermentation
Wicked Technologies | Wild Fermentation is a project considering the ethics and aesthetics of fermentation in relation to artistic research.
This project is developed by Sara Manente, a (…)
Scandinavian Institute of Contemporary Comparative Vandalism, workshop
A workshop that takes as a starting point the archive of the Scandinavian Institute of Comparative Vandalism (SISV) initiated by Asger Jorn in 1961 with Peter Glob and Werner Jacobsen.
Together (…)
Gender Blending gathers body hackers, 3D theorists, game activists, queer designers and software feminists around the table to challenge typical digital representations of the body, bending the (…)