Nurse reports on sights and sounds
Digitales @ netdays 2004
A week of workshops and meetings to question, open, understand and use computer tools and languages free and open.
In the framework of the ’Laundry Day’, Constant (Wendy van Wynsberghe)
co-produced iPatchwork organised by the ADA network. iPatchwork provided
an opportunity to learn basic skills of (…)
La repolitizacion del espacio sexual en las practicas contemporaneas.
Lecture, video program and group discussion by Laurence Rassel during a seminar organised by the Erreakzioa group and Maria José Belbel on critical feminism and queer politics in the art world.
Mapping the Connections
Constant member Laurence Rassel will lecture in this conference which is
presented by The American University Washington College of Law’s Journal
of Gender, Social Policy and the Law, Program on (…)
PS20 - Spotlight: Gender and Equality
Several attempts to map gender participation in ICT, show that women increasingly make use of online services (internet browsing, social software), but also that their involvement with regard to (…)
Radio La Cage #8: Women
Radio broadcast with words & sounds related to the solidarity march at Place Colignon, organised in the framework of the International Woman’s Day on 8th March 2011.
Treated words: femme, (…)
Samedie #35: Sox, e-speak & scripting
A meeting of the group of women & free software around sox scripting and the integration of sox & e-speak in XML.
Samedies #10: Legal aspects
Responsabilities of maintaining a server and questions on privacy
Samedies #11: Last make-up Amaya
The common language at the Samedies is French, therefore the rest of this message is in French.
Amaya (notre machine :-) dispose maintenant d’un serveur Web (Apache), de bases de données (MySQL) (…)
Samedies #12: launch Amaya
Common language at the Samedies is French, therefore this message is continued in French.
Nous ne savons pas encore si Amaya sera notre plaine de jeux et de tests, un abri pour des projets (…)
Samedies #13: Re-play
The common language in the Samedies is French, therefore the following message is in French:
Deuxième expérience nomade : après un accueil à l’asbl Constant vzw, les Samedis se dérouleront aux (…)
Samedies #14: Security
A worksession about security in Debian/Apache/MySQL/PHP.
Samedies #17: Reconnecting Amaya & working groups
The ladies of Samedies will reconnect the server Amaya, reconfigure and reinstall her and start organising work groups to keep her going in a good and fertile way.
Samedies #29: Rendez-vous, socks etc.
The working day of the women collective Samedies will be organised with morning sessions around Sox (soundfiles in bash) and rdvz, the free software alternative to Doodle.
After the lunch (…)
Samedies #34: ACTA & co
he 6-weekly meeting of women & free software will concentrate on the ACTA-agreement, how the negociations are going and what we can do as citizens. We welcome Amelia Andersdotter, European (…)
Samedies #36: Back-up
A meeting of the group of women & free software around the practice of backing-up data on a server.
Samedies #37: Ninja Samedies
Samedies is a collective of women using free software. The Ninja Samedies will be a meeting around the following back-up tools: cron, rsync, tar, dump, clé privé & public, rdiff backup.
The (…)
Samedies #38: Sources
The Samedies will meet around the practices of installing from source (a.o. freeplane, fontmatrix, scribus....)
Samedies is a collective of women using free software.
The language spoken at (…)
Samedies #39: Packaging
The Samedies is a collective of women using free software, meeting up every six weeks on a Saturday. This session looks at how to make a Debian package. The language spoken at Samedies is French. (…)
Samedies #8: Configure & observe
Because French is the current language at the Samedies, the rest of this article will be in French.
C’est la rentrée des Samedis, femmes et logiciels libres, une série de
rencontres qui ont (…)
Samedies #9: Install, configurations, organisation
Because the current language of the Samedies is French, the following message will be in French. Tx for your comprehension!
Amaya (notre machine :-) dispose maintenant d’un serveur Web (Apache) (…)
Spiderwomen 3: Wiki workshop
Constant member An Mertens and 2 other members of Samedies (Agnes Bewer, Juliane de Moerloze) organise a workshop about wikis at Amazone, resource centre for equality between women and men. (…)
Working with webstandards
Presentation Femke Snelting in the context of The Spiderwoman meeting
Adashboard (for fiction)
In a predigital area An Mertens would have been the type of author struggling with small cards in large drawers, trying to keep everything categorized alphabetically and with a 100 different (…)