No Final cut


Constant is a non-profit, artist-run organisation based in Brussels since 1997 and active in the fields of art, media and technology.
Feminisms, re-thinking the author (collaboration, genealogy), Free Software.

No Final Cut

‘Part of the promise of crossing video with computation is the potential to combine the computers’ ability to construct models and run simulations with the random access possibilities of digitized media. Instead of a editing a story down into a fixed form or “final cut”, one can program a “storytelling system” that can act as an “editor in software”. Thus the system can maintain a dynamic representation of the context of a particular telling, on which to base (or support a viewer in making) editing decisions “on the fly”.’ Michael Murtaugh, What’s wrong with the YouTube documentary (2008):

The promise of ‘No Final Cut’ is anchored in Free Culture licenses:

* run (use) the program/text/video for any purpose.
* study how the program/text/video works, and change it to make it do what you wish.
* redistribute and make copies of the program/text/video so you can help your neighbor.
* improve the program/text/video, and release your improvements (and modified versions in general) to the public, so that the whole community benefits.

… but also in feminisms and their re-thinking of the place of the author (collaboration, genealogy)

The Death of the Authors

The Death of the Authors is a series of generative narratives based on work by authors in the public domain. By creating a new derivative work every year, Constant hopes to inspire you to make public works electronically available and to rediscover them through re-use and remix.

1946: Xavan & Jaluka by Pléoter Spilliaestenberg (2018)

Peter Westenberg: On Friday 17 Frifek of the year Zek, a qualifier Demolineutron reduces the Large Zone of Zendium the size of a vibratory pudding, which has dramatic consequences for the lovers Xavan and Jaluka. This comic is a remix of paintings and drawings by Leon Spilliaert. It will be exhibited in Cinema Nova in the framework of Public Domain Month 2018. The comic will be available in French and Dutch.,2974.html

Diversions (2016)

Collective experiment with archiving, versioning and digitisation. By working through and with tools that operate on data along temporal and social dimensions, DiVersions explored the potential for divergence within technological infrastructures.

Objects made to speak

An Mertens: What do objects have to say, when we listen to them through the catalogue? An algorithmicly generated catalogue of “women” present in the museum catalogue. Objects + forms of life.

Active Archives

The archives of cultural institutions are rich in material, they manifest different archiving techniques and specific characteristics, they often share features and problems with colleague-institutes, such as for example: How do you categorize? Who is author or collaborator? Are collaborators writers or protagonists with a different role?,110-.html
Active Archives Galaxy

‘Collaborative online video tools need not stay stuck in the “heavy” and overly precise timeline-based model of tools like “Final Cut”. Software such as the wiki, are suggestive of other approaches to collaborative work online that can have useful application in the realm of comparable tools for working with video as well.’ Michael Murtaugh, Notes for Collage code workshop (2008)

Video Grep (2008)

Video wiki (2007-2012?)

Right here write now

“Cut-ups are for everyone. Anybody can make cut ups. It is experimental in the sense of being something to do. Right here write now. Not something to talk and argue about. Greek philosophers assumed logically that an object twice as heavy as another object would fall twice as fast. It did not occur to them to push the two objects off the table and see how they fall. Cut the words and see how they fall.”
William Burroughs on Brion Gysin and cut-ups, quoted on Active Archives