Visualizing Transnationalism, presentations.

A grid divides the map in eight regions. Each region has a label: "Ornamental", "Geolyrical", "Taxonomical", "Afraid of tomorrow", "Fermentational", "Miraculous", "Exobotanical", "The end of the world". On the background, a deconstructed street network of CLuj-Napoca. In the tension between the grid labels and the street labyrinth, icons and text fragments are looking for affinities, attract and repulse each other.

The GenderArtNet’s team (Maria Ptqk and Nicolas Malevé) will present the map made with the participants of the workshop Visualizing Transnationalism (Transeuropa Festival) and discuss feminist anti-methods to cartography.

@ Cluj Napoca, Romania

Casa Tranzit, str. Baritiu (Malom utca) nr. 16

@ Bologna, Italia

Sala Borsa, Atelier Urban Center, Piazza Nettuno 3