
GenderArtNet is an experimental mapping project exploring the interrelation of gender, ethnicity, race, class and sexualities in contemporary Europe.

GenderArtNet’s primary aim is to thematically link the various existing online resources of feminist and queer artists, projects and networks

Related events

GenderArtNet@Expeditions to the void

The project Expeditions to the Void, Science, Territory and subjective narratives, investigates the potential of subjective narratives created by a series of women artists who analyse, narrate and (…)

(...) Ciencia, territorio y narrativas subjetivas

The objective of the workshop is to propose a re-narration of the project "(...) Ciencia, territorio y narrativas subjetivas" and explore the scientific language from a feminist perspective. (…)

GenderArtNet @Cuerpo Impropio

Maria PtqK and Nicolas Malevé will present the GenderArtNet project - - in the seminar "Cuerpo Impropio, guia de modelos somapoliticos y de sus posibles usos desviados". (…)

Visualizing Transnationalism, presentations.

A grid divides the map in eight regions. Each region has a label: "Ornamental", "Geolyrical", "Taxonomical", "Afraid of tomorrow", "Fermentational", "Miraculous", "Exobotanical", "The end of the (…)

Visualizing Transnationalism / Cluj Napoca

In the framework of the Transeuropa festival, a transnational festival happening simultaneously in 12 cities throughout Europe, the GenderArtNet’s team and Lorenzo Sandoval will give a cartography (…)

GenderArtNet’s presentation

GenderArtNet is an experimental mapping project that contextualises and connects artists, artistic practices, projects and organisations exploring the interrelation of gender, ethnicity, race, (…)

GenderArtNet weblaunch

Gender Art Net is an interactive Map, offering accessibility and readability of a broader range of artistic positions, which explore the complex interrelatedness of gender, ethnicity, race, (…)