Science Fiction as a Laboratory

Sciencefiction can be a laboratory for experiments imagining time, space, societal and affectionate relations between human beings. Through SF we can read the present as the past tense of the future or as the future of the past. Reading SF literature is a creative action; you create an imaginary world by linking speculative and fictional elements to the physical world. The films and presentations here on the agenda ask questions such as: What future do we imagine? Who narrates (predicts) this future? From what perspective, viewpoint is the future imagined?

Baltimore (UK 2003, Isaac Julien)
The last angel of history (USA 1996, John Akomfrah)

Lectures and encounters
The future of the story, by Ronald Soetaert and Kris Rutten
Ohter Worlds Possible? Decolonizing the Future, by Sarah Bracke, Nadia Fadil, Salman Sayyid

@ MuHKA_Media, Antwerp, Belgium