Lecture · Screening ·

Stitch And Split: Selves and Territories in Science Fiction

Stitch and Split explored the joint, the interstices, between these two registers which might be considered opposed, science and fiction, and their reciprocal contamination. Science fiction as a zone of tension that amalgamates imaginary and real, utopia and dystopia, flesh and machine; the use of intrusion, incongruity and discrepancy as a system of resistance and a tool for questioning the present. Science fiction is not an oracle that can predict the future more or less exactly, but a critical, inventive, cross-genre/gender and cross-disciplinary discourse on the body, identity and contemporary territories.

How do you envision the future of your body, your society, your city? This edition of Stitch and Split combined fiction, humanism, literacy,
social work and urban space. Over the course of three days - mixing screenings, urban visits, lectures and encounters - we investigated the "writing of imaginary futures" and the implications of science fiction on the here and now. Why do we imagine the future through science fiction? What does science fiction contribute to imagining and understanding our factual situation?

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