Opening Zennestraat 17 rue de la Senne

Constant presents during the opening weekend of this temporarily shared space:

Room 2 - Take Away Archive

A retrospective of books, posters and flyers, published by Constant since 1997. A chance to update your printed matter collection with vintage Constant must-haves.

Room 1 - Ellentrique #7 workshop

When: 25/04/2009 -26/04/2009, 11:00 - 18:00

Open workshop - bring your project involving electronics and let’s work on it together. If you have no specific project in mind, you can come, check it out and get some electric inspiration and a conversation .

During this pre-spring weekend artistic DIYers can:

*Continue their electronic research

*Experiment and try out new stuff

*Get one step further thanks to new input and knowledge

*Further develop an idea

*Cooperate with other diyers/Ellentrique freaks from different backgrounds

*Get inspired

Ellentrique is a collaboration between De Pianofabriek Kunstenwerkplaats, Ladda & Constant.

More information on :, in het Nederlands et en français

@ Zennestraat 17 rue de la Senne, Brussels