Zennestraat 17 rue de la Senne

Ischa Tallieu and Jan Verbruggen invited arts organisations to develop programs for this private building. Until the end of 2009 the building has housed a multitude of exhibitions, workspaces, concerts and gatherings. Constant installed a collective workspace.

Participating organisations: Fortlaan 17, Croxhapox, JosWorld, les Bains::connective, secondroom @ zennestraat 17, q-o2, Komplot Downtown, Constant.

Related events

Softwearables – Do(n’t) stand so close to me part 2

Wearable installation How do we interact with each other – how do you deal with physical proximity? Constant member Wendy Van Wynsberghe will set up a playful exercise in the Constant workspace, (…)

Constant Verlag launch

On October 2, Constant launches Constant Verlag, a growing on-line repository, currently containing more than 60 texts on digital art and infrastructure. Some of those texts were already (…)

Speed cartography

When the arts labs (kunstenwerkplaatsen), Zennestraat 17 Rue de la Senne and BRXLBRAVO started cooperating on the Artslab² project, the multitude of artists in Brussels became a pivotal point, as (…)

Constant Verlag presentation

Presentation of Verlag online publishing tool.

Closing party & concert

The collective exhibition in Zennestraat 17 will close on Sunday 31st May to re-open in October 2009. *Closing party on 30-5-9 from 9pm *Concert by Kapotski on 31-5-9 from 2 till 6pm From (…)

Open weekends

Every Saturday and Sunday you’re welcome to pop in and visit our Take Away Archive, the exhibitions of the other organisations, the bar, the space...us. Rue de la Senne/Zennestraat 17: (…)

Opening Zennestraat 17 rue de la Senne

Constant presents during the opening weekend of this temporarily shared space: Room 2 - Take Away Archive A retrospective of books, posters and flyers, published by Constant since 1997. A (…)