GenderArtNet weblaunch

Gender Art Net is an interactive Map, offering accessibility and readability of a broader range of artistic positions, which explore the complex interrelatedness of gender, ethnicity, race, sexualities in contemporary Europe.

This project commissioned by the European Cultural Foundation developed by curator Bettina Knaup in cooperation with Constant vzw. The project’s team is composed of curators, artists, statisticians, developers from Berlin, Brussels, Barcelona and Ljubljana (among them, Dunja Kukovec, Laurence Rassel, Diana McCarty, Maria Perez, Katalin Timar, Urska Merc, Anne Quirynen, Ludivine Loiseau, Anne-Laure Buisson and Nicolas Malevé) and students from the European Media Studies section of the Potsdam University (Lenore Hipper, Inés Matres, Sebastian Moering, Laura-Helen Rüge).

@ W.W.W.