Fiction as a Compass

Stitch and Split situates itself here and now: the beginning of the 21st century, in Antwerp. We go out to discover the Antwerp opinions about the future. Also, what lessons can reality learn from speculative urbanism? And can we use a modernistic compass when we navigate through cyberspace?

Heritage researcher Jo Braeken will give us a guided tour in the Renaat Braem House and in the Arenawijk (Deurne - a part of Antwerp).

Maya Van Leemput: Futurescales.

Gul Kaçmaz Erk: EXOSPACE and TERRASPACE: A Space Odyssey from the Alien’s Womb to a Galaxy Far Far Away.

She Puppet (USA 2001, Peggy Ahwesh)
Thomas est amoureux (Belgium 2001, Pierre-Paul Renders)

@ MuHKA_Media, Antwerp, Belgium