Project: Constant_V

Constant_V: Computational Arabic

Opening: Wednesday 09-03-2022 18:00 -> 21:00 @ Constant
Encounter at the café Lagrange: Wednesday 30-03-2022 17:00 -> 19:00 @ Lagrange Points, Huidevettersstraat 114 Rue des Tanneurs, 1000 Brussels

Computational Arabic is an ongoing work series, collected by Rita-Josy Haddoub and addressing technological sovereignty by imagining de-colonial foundations to the reductive approaches conceiving machine learning models. Computational Arabic is an attempt to foster technological imaginations which do not erase the voices and realities of under-represented cultures but also value collaborative exchanges with/in traditional practices.

In Constants window display, coffee readings, as practised in the Arab world, will be used as an analogy for thinking Machine Learning models whose protocols and processes are embedded in spatial relations that embrace complexities. As coffee stains have come to represent a medium in itself signifying interpolated imaginations, visitors will be invited to try coffee reading, delineating figures and verbalising stories, interpreted in the contours of their own or other’s cups.

@ Constant

rue du Fortstraat 5, 1060 Saint-Gilles | Sint-Gillis