Constant in Transmediale’s Almanac

Constant is in Transmediale’s Almanac for Refusal!

Elodie Mugrefya was invited to contribute to the last cycle of the Almanac for Refusal, part of the now year-long Transmediale Festival. This work is a continuation of the research started within Constant_V under the title How does it matter to see her face? :

A woman refused to have her picture taken. The picture was taken anyway. Others still try to refuse; but there is not much room for manoeuvre in the definitive in/visibility. These others have spread and multiplied along colonial lines. So much so that it is probably impossible to all trace them, but finding them should not matter. It is worth asking: how does it matter to see her face?"

This work was made with a Free and Open Source Software and is published under the CC4r license.