February 2019 - January 2020

  • January
  • 7-13 April 2019 @ Antwerp/BE
    "Networks do not tell all stories equally. Networks, like all entities with stories, tell most readily those stories in whose reflection they see themselves." [Eleanor Saitta, 2012]
    The internet is dead, long live the internets! In 2025, the internet will consist (…)

  • In the course of 1948, the lives of the authors Sergej Eisenstein, Louis Jean Lumière, Marie-Elisabeth Belpaire, Jacques Feyder, Cissy van Marxveldt and many others came to an end. Seventy years later, in 2019, the intellectual property protection on their oeuvre expires. Finally, their works (…)

  • The 2019 edition of transmediale focuses on the role of emotions, empathy, and cultural emergence in digital culture. Constant co-moderates one of its two Study Circles on Affective Infrastructures and in addition, is involved in multiple workshops and events:
    The Affective Infrastructures (…)

  • February
  • In the framework of De Klas van Tine Femke will present The ACB of the alphabet. It is a class about letters, signs and computers. How do you change text into code, and code into text? What does a keyboard do, who manages the Unicode standard, and what about emojis :-)? Femke shows that ’ABC’ (…)

  • In machine learning, the perceptron is an algorithm for supervised learning of binary classifiers. A binary classifier is a model which can decide whether an input belongs to some specific class.
    Neural Networks work the same way as the perceptron. Perceptron is a single layer neural network (…)

  • March
  • Wicked Technologies | Wild Fermentation is a project considering the ethics and aesthetics of fermentation in relation to artistic research.
    This project is developed by Sara Manente, a choreographer, performance artist and amateur fermentress, in collaboration with drawing artist Gunbike (…)

  • Contribution to the third lab meeting of the project "Re-configuring computing through cyberfeminism and new materialism" (CF+). CF+ is a project of the Gender/Diversity in Informatics Systems research lab at the University of Kassel, Germany. The project aims to lay the groundwork for (…)

  • Data Workers is an exhibition of algoliterary works, of stories told from an ’algorithmic storyteller point of view’. The exhibition is a creation by members of Algolit, a group from Brussels involved in artistic research on algorithms and literature. Every month they gather to experiment with (…)

  • April
  • The SNCBench is the latest in a series of free objects designed and created by the collective Libre Objet. It completes a line of street furniture that started with the uHbench a few years ago.
    Commissioned by Constant to replace the old uHbench that was made during a workshop in 2015, the (…)

  • From microperformativity to compost politics, and from the microbial commons to the microontologies of sex: How to think with live cultures of fermentation? Sara, Livia and Femke have collected texts from feminist and queer theory that reflect on microbial modes of togetherness and the (…)

  • Stories and reports on what has been happening in the first part of the worksession entitled ’The internet is dead’ and two presentations
    De-google/de-gafam your organisation/digital life Agnez Bewer will talk about several initatives which emphasize providing services like mail, federated (…)

  • – Listen to a Networks With an Attitude contribution on Webgang, a radio show on F/loss culture and technology on radio centraal 106.7
    – Network Jam in Toitoidrome + S14
    Go to one of the two venues to tune in, or check this page on Thursday 11/04 for potential online information (…)

  • – Listen to a Networks With an Attitude contribution on Webgang, a radio show on F/loss culture and technology on radio centraal 106.7
    – Network Jam in Toitoidrome + S14
    Go to one of the two venues to tune in, or check this page on Thursday 11/04 for potential online information (…)

  • Stories, presentations and reports of what happened during part two of the worksession: ’Long live the Internets’ and a booklaunch.
    Booklaunch ’Technological Sovereignty’ translation to Dutch + discussion We deserve to have other technologies, better than those we currently have and known as (…)

  • An Mertens experiments with forms that reveal the identity of algorithms. For this lecture-performance she takes on the "Bayesian naive classifier", an algorithm widely used to sort spam in our mailboxes, to analyze feelings on social media, but also to define whether a text is written by a (…)

  • In the course of 1948, the lives of the authors Sergej Eisenstein, Louis Jean Lumière, Marie-Elisabeth Belpaire, Jacques Feyder, Cissy van Marxveldt and many others came to an end. Seventy years later, in 2019, the intellectual property protection on their oeuvre expires. Finally, their works (…)

  • For the fourth Iterations Media art laboratory esc invited Nayari Castillo, Antonia Manhartsberger, Norbert Math, Mia Melvær, Constanza Mendoza, Ulla Rauter, Martin Rumori to make a collective work to be exhibited in the esc gallery.
    The esc medien kunst labor was transformed into a spatial (…)

  • Writing and reading are no longer the exclusive right of the paper. For most authors, their practice is intimately intertwined with software and a networked infrastructure. What does it mean to consciously include this technological context in the literary creation process? How does the use of (…)

  • The members of Algolit are very happy to welcome Allison Parrish for a workshop in the framework of the exhibition Data Workers in the evening before she will give a talk in Passa Porta.
    This two-part workshop examines the physical gesture and material artifacts of the act of writing, as seen (…)

  • May
  • Wicked Technologies is a project considering the ethics and aesthetics of fermentation in relation to artistic research. This project is developed by Sara Manente, a choreographer, performance artist and amateur fermentress, in collaboration with drawing artist Gunbike Erdemir.
    On Wednesday 8 (…)

  • Contribution to the symposium Making Matters organised by the Critical Making consortium:
    "Constant is committed to collaborative situations that generate proximate critiques of and through techno-praxis. Twice a year the association initiates a temporary research lab to which participants (…)

  • "As a person immensely fascinated by accents and sounds, I have never imagined that one day I would discuss the negative impacts of sounds in my life."
    From 24 May until 22 September, Yared Yilma’s soundscapes will come to life in the window of Constant. You are welcome to the opening on (…)

  • The Algolit exhibition Data Workers in Mundaneum in Mons has come to an end. Everything was up and running. And it was great. In order to be able to have afterlives, forks and other remixing deviations, we will dedicate one session to documenting the exhibition: gathering code, adding comments (…)

  • June
  • Relearn is a collective learning experiment with as many teachers as it has participants. It is motivated by the possibility to displace parameters of/for research, studying and learning.
    This summer, Relearn is back in the form of a curve, transversing multiple times and spaces. Curl (…)

  • On Friday 17th of May, in BNA-BBOT, Yared Yilma presented 12 sounds recorded at the Red Cross refugee centre in Eeklo to Caroline Claus (KU Leuven), Flavien Gillié and Wendy Van Wynsberghe. Together, they analyzed what was potentially heard, the choices of sounds and commented from their (…)

  • Dear readers,
    The Library Is Open invites you to an afternoon of workshops that make the operations within libraries visible. Join us in exploring the actions and roles of legal and extra-legal libraries (municipal, pirate, academic, +++), their custodians, and the public that form a community (…)

  • Relearn is a collective learning experiment with as many teachers as it has participants. It is motivated by the possibility to displace parameters of/for research, studying and learning.
    This summer, Relearn is back in the form of a curve, transversing multiple times and spaces. Curl (…)

  • Iterations researches the conditions of artistic collaboration in a digital context. Conviviality, togetherness, institutions, transitory operating systems, documents as performance and other notions will be investigated by six artists who are invited to think, exchange and experiment together (…)

  • ATTENTION: Postponed due to a SEU!
    With The Bitflipping Mixtape, The Flipping (de)Ontologi(ci)sts set out to answer a simple, burning question: What is happening in the forbidden zone? The result was nothing short of a revelation. Finally turning all Truth Tables, The (de)Ontologi(ci)sts (…)

  • July
  • A summery collection of on-line pages. Warps invite you to navigate to and through documentation, media and notes. Wefts are thematic constellations that establish relationships between different projects in the Constant Galaxy.
    The wefts and warps introduce a specific way of writing, indexing (…)

  • Collective Conditions is a worksession which experiments with the generative potential of codes of conduct, complaints procedures, bug reports and copyleft licenses. We understand these socio-technical protocols as artistic and activist media and are curious about the role they can play in the (…)

  • September
  • Relearn is a collective learning experiment with as many teachers as it has participants. It is motivated by the possibility to displace parameters of/for research, studying and learning.
    This summer, Relearn is back in the form of a curve, transversing multiple times and spaces. Curl (…)

  • We listen with Yared Yilma to the sound installation. He will comment and contextualize the sounds.
    Nous écoutons avec Yared Yilma l’installation sonore. Il commentera et contextualisera les sons.
    We luisteren met Yared Yilma naar de geluidsinstallatie. Hij zal de geluiden becommentariëren en contextualiseren.

  • During the Cinema Sauvage film festival, Constant organises a brainstorm / writing session to create copyleft licenses, made especially for Wild Movies !
    Many artists, writers, filmmakers, software coders and other authors are supportive of the reuse and remixing of their work. For them, Free (…)

  • Gerichtstr. 23, Hof 5 13347 Berlin

  • The collaboration guidelines assembled by and for Constant set bouncy delimitations that curve, bend and resituate yet they need to offer protection when needed. In the next months, the window will be turned into a public drafting sheet for these guidelines. Michael Murtaugh developed a (…)

  • Conventional intellectual property law binds authors and their hybrid contemporary practices in a framework of assumed ownership and individualism. It conceives creations as original works, making collective, networked practices difficult to fit. Within that legal and ideological framework, (…)

  • This weekend, our friends at Varia in Rotterdam launch the 2nd edition of Networks Of One’s Own, a para-nodal periodic publication that is itself collectively written in a network. Each of the episodes is thought of as the ’release’ of a specific software stack, contextualised in its specific (…)

  • October
  • This weekend, our friends at Varia in Rotterdam launch the 2nd edition of Networks Of One’s Own, a para-nodal periodic publication that is itself collectively written in a network. Each of the episodes is thought of as the ’release’ of a specific software stack, contextualised in its specific (…)

  • Opening and publication launch: Thursday 10 October 18:00 - 21:00
    DiVersions experiments with online collections of cultural institutions as sites for decolonial and intersectional practice. Inspired by the way ’versioning’ functions in networked software tools, seven interactive media (…)

  • Debate organised by VIAA/PACKED in the context of DiVersions.
    Metadata of museal collections are generally thought of as static, but in reality they often include a degree of uncertainty or are subject to change. Therefore throughout time, new versions of datasets come into being, which may or (…)

  • Iterations researches the conditions of artistic collaboration in a digital context. Conviviality, togetherness, institutions, transitory operating systems, documents as performance and other notions will be investigated by six artists who are invited to think, exchange and experiment together (…)

  • In the morning we brainstorm on what & when for 2019/2020. In the afternoon we will move to De Pianofabriek.
    Algolit is a workgroup around FLOSS literature and code, they organise regular meetings following the Oulipo principle. There is no need for programming knowledge, but if you have (…)

  • November
  • This Warp* documents Networks with an attitude, a worksession (de)centralized around ’The internet is dead’ & ’Long live the internets’.
    Last April, 40 participants explored highly proprietary network structures and their potential future, naval protocols, historical and innovative ways of (…)

  • Iterations is a collaborative trajectory committed to the future of artistic collaboration in a digital context. On the occasion of the opening of the exhibition Operating | Exploitation in Bozar Lab, an afternoon with reflective inputs is organised.
    With : Melanie Sehgal, Giulia Deval, Nayari (…)

  • ’Iterations #5: Operating / Exploitation’ is a collaborative work with inputs by: Mia Melvaer, Maxime Stifinner, Zoumana Meïté, Norbert Math, Iris Torruella Segura, Yoan Robin, Rosa Llop, Geraldine Juarez, Martin Rumori, Luis Rodil-Fernández.
    Exhibition: 08/11 - 24/11/2019 Tuesday -> Sunday : (…)

  • Join us for the festive opening of Collective Conditions, a worksession which experiments with the generative potential of socio-technical protocols such as codes of conduct, complaints procedures, bug reports and copyleft licenses. For one week, a group of 35 artists, activists, theorists and (…)

  • At the last day of this collective residence in Ateliers Mommen, participants would like to share and discuss the ideas, observations and prototypes that emerged over the week.
    The Collective Conditions worksession experimented with the generative potential of socio-technical protocols such as (…)

  • Constant will contribute to Right the Right, a three day event about the crisis in copyright. The contribution is a report on Authors of the Future. During this study day we tried to make a start with reimagining copyleft as a decolonial, feminist and collective practice.
    Right the Right asks (…)

  • Solidary with more different forms of life instead of less, with imagining another future with technology, with an ecological movement that looks beyond their own privileges, with algoliterary experiments and less optimisation, with artists and others who have emigrated to Belgium willingly or (…)

  • "You close your eyes and you arrive in a future about 200 years from now. The space where you arrive is an empty space, a void."
    From Thursday 28th November, the poetic sound and video installation by Wedknwyet will catch your eyes in the Constant window.
    In this installation, WDKY will (…)

  • December
  • Every year Constant commissions another designer or design collective using Free, Libre and Open Source tools, to work on the two-monthly flyers for Constant_V.
    Between 2018 and 2019, we collaborated with D-E-A-L, a Brussels based collective comprised of Quentin Jumelin and Morgane Le Ferec. (…)

  • Documentation, readinglist and other materials from Authors of the Future, a studyday on how to re-imagine copyleft licences for collective creative practices. With contributions by Eva Weinmayr, Daniel Blanga Gubbay, Severine Dusollier and Aymeric Mansoux.

  • In the framework of the exhibition in WIELS, Open Skies, Martino Morandi and Femke Snelting animate a guided tour through the history of URLs. Uniform Resource Locators (URLs), also known as web addresses, specify the location of a resource on a computer network. This once ubiquitous (…)

  • Measured poises, crowd noises invites you for a walk at the annual Christmas market in the centre of Brussels. Accompanied by the scent of gluhwein and croustillons, we will observe and discuss surveillance techniques that are currently being deployed at Winterpret and other major events in (…)

  • In the framework of the collective exhibition MENSCH MASCHINE, curated by Thierry Vandenbussche and Privacy Salon and presented on the occasion of the Computer Privacy and Data Protection Conference (CPDP 2020) in Brussels, Constant proposes a ’reading corner’ filled with publications around (…)

  • Occupying the middle On Artistic Research and the Arts, Sciences and Technology transdisciplinary practices
    Constant is invited in a panel that is part of the closing event of BOZAR and JRC’s Datami exhibition, Culture Action (…)

  • The website of Books with an Attitude has been updated with the 2019 publications of Constant and friends. Feel free to discover the catalogues of Constant_V, Diversions and Data Workers; and the fascinating publications Footfall Almanac 2019 and Networks of One’s Own (Varia Zone).
    For each of (…)

  • Until May 10, you can tune in to catch lists, descriptions and scores remixed and mashed-up by the movements in front of Constant’s office. The setup for footfall analysis installed in the window is not meant to manage crowds nor to predict store profits. It limits itself to poetic readings of (…)

  • Author-right laws regard audiovisual artworks as being original works, and its creators as isolated individuals. But whom do these laws serve? Many filmmakers position themselves as part of a culture that is social in character and widely networked. It foregrounds collectivity, sharing and doing (…)