October 2010 - September 2011

  • September
  • Constant supports the GML Field Recorder Challenge, an initiative of Evan Roth to launch a contest for the design of an easily reproducible DIY device that can unobtrusively record graffiti motion data during a graffiti writer’s normal practice in the city.
    The challenge is open to artists, (…)

  • October
  • At the upcoming Open Video Conference, Michael Murtaugh and Peter Westenberg will present the current state of Active Archives. The presentation is part of the session "Preserving Our Audiovisual Heritage: Archives Show & Tell, on the Open Floor.
    The talk includes demos of the several (…)

  • Cartography as a common good is a contribution by Rafaella Houlstan-Hasaerts (La Cambre) and Nicolas Malevé, member of Constant, to the book Human Cities, Celebrating Public Space, edited by Barbara Golicnik Marusic, et al, (Brussels: Stichting Kunstboek, Urban Planning Institute of the Republic (…)

  • Meeting, discussion & walk for women about (in)security in the public space around La Cage aux Ours/Verboeckhovenplein.
    In collaboration with Garance.

  • Constant member An Mertens, will be moderating the mobile talkshow Talkaoke during the 20th anniversary of the European Women’s Lobby (EWL). Everyone is warmly invited to come & talk about your ideas, visions, accomplishments.
    Founded in 1990, the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) is an NGO (…)

  • Osvideo meetings are for artists and video-enthousiasts who share an interest in open source software. During this informal get together, artist Stéfan Piat will talk about the way he uses PureData for video in theater performances. PD offers many opportunities for working with real-time video. (…)

  • November
  • The theme of the 2010 edition of the Make Art festival is in-between design: rediscovering collaboration in digital art. OSP will give a presentation and will be part of the exhibition with the project Nancy and Dingbat Liberation Fest III, an installation for distributed symbol font creation.

  • Ellentriek (Constant & Pianofabriek) meets Code, Arts & Crafts (iMAL) to propose an advanced level workshop on building Arduino-like constructions. A little step towards autonomy and sustainable prototypes.
    When building a physical computing construction using a microcontroller, you (…)

  • Simon Yuill & Dorothé Depeauw will present the collaborative way of working of Object Score Notation in Kaleidoscope at Make Art, the international festival of free art and technologies in Poitiers with this year’s focus on «in-between design: rediscovering collaboration in digital art». (…)

  • A two day workshop on F/LOSS cartographic tactics at the Israeli Center for Digital Art in the framework of the International Conference ’Open Sources versus Military Culture?’ organised by Tsila Hassine & Shenkar Forum for Culture and Society, Jan van Eyck Academie, in collaboration with (…)

  • A two day workshop on F/LOSS cartographic tactics
    Even if cartography is generally produced from a bird’s eye perspective, details cannot be drawn from a remote location; they must be confirmed/corrected/added on the spot. The territory must be litteraly practised by annotating and drawing. (…)

  • An evening with Ronny Heiremans & Katleen Vermeir
    In dialogue with artists represented in the Argos collection, Constant interrogates the active potential of the online media archive. Mixing screenings, live-interviews and presentations, we will discuss moral and legal ownership, contracts (…)

  • A meeting of the collective Women & Free Software without workshops or productive code reading, rather a discussion about future plans & organisational resets.

  • Sanjay Bangar, Sebastian Luetgert and Jan Gerber came to visit and showed their projects pad.ma, 0xdb. With Pan.do/ra they are fusing both projects into one codebase. It will become possible to install a pandora version with the option to include features from padma and/ or 0xdb. New feautures (…)

  • Result ofmapping workshop
    Saturday 7 August 2010 13:00-18:00
    @ Plein Open Air
    see article

  • December
  • Open Source Video meetings are loosely organised meetings for artists who are interested in open source tools for working with video.
    This meeting several participants will show works made in several time-line editing softwares under Linux, such as: Cinelerra, some command line tools and (…)

  • a textile sound & digital cartography, based on interviews, between testimony and fiction

  • Radio broadcast with words & sounds related to Arab languages that were recorded during the encounters of Schaarbeekse Taal/La Langue Schaerbeekoise. In collaboration with Najet Boulafdal, graduate in Arab Languages.
    Listen to the radio: Radio Panik: 105.4 FM or online: www.radiopanik.org (…)

  • Interference-free Foraging Mobility in Brussels on Electromagnetism, Psychogeophysics and Urban Beekeeping
    Electromagnetic fields can have adverse effects on living organisms - honeybees are especially sensitive.
    Although urban environments provide beneficial habitats for bee colonies, the (…)

  • An evening with Pieter Geenen
    In dialogue with artists represented in the Argos collection, Constant interrogates the active potential of the online media archive. Mixing screenings, live-interviews and presentations, we will discuss moral and legal ownership, contracts and licenses, (…)

  • The collective of Women & Free software meet for a special session around MAN + bash, how to get the best out of man; followed by a work session around VOIP & the installation of the telephony server Asterisk.

  • In the weekend of the 17th of December we will look at the act of repairing. We focus on textile and clothing, looking how something is woven, stitched together, consisting of threads and layers, and how these structures break, wear and tear with a body inside.
    The Friday (…)

  • January 2011
  • Radio broadcast with words & sounds related to the languages spoken in Kameroun, a savoury visit in company of Béatrice of the ’Manko’o shop’, rue Gallaitstraat. Recorded and composed by Clémentine Delahaut..
    Listen to the broadcast: Radio Panik: 105.4 FM or online: www.radiopanik.org
    If (…)

  • he 6-weekly meeting of women & free software will concentrate on the ACTA-agreement, how the negociations are going and what we can do as citizens. We welcome Amelia Andersdotter, European member of Parliament for the Swedish Pirate Party, who will give an introduction to the subject from (…)

  • Constant takes part in the European exchange network of media-organisations LabtoLab. In the week of 24 - 29 January, our partners Medialab Prado Madrid, Kitchen Budapest and PING Nantes will visit Constant and other medialabs in Brussels.
    The collaboration is funded as part of the Grundtvig (…)

  • During this years Computers, Privacy & Data Protection Conference the video Staring will be shown. This video results from the Ballade sous video surveillance collaboration between the Human rights league and Constant in 2010. Constant member Peter Westenberg will contextualise the subject (…)

  • Welcome at the first meeting of the new year. Open for everyone who is interested in working with Open Source Video tools. Topics of the day: How to produce boxed images / split screens / inserts using open source tools such as PD, Motion, Cinelerra ?
    Also we’ll be preparing the future (…)

  • February
  • Academy Commons is a platform conceived to connect and reinforce research practices beyond academic boundaries.
    Nicolas Malevé, member of Constant, together with team mates Anja Steidinger and Octavi Comeron, will participate to the days "University Struggles Against Austerity" (11-13 February (…)

  • The Active Archive team presents their ongoing work at the Fundació Antoni Tàpies. The meeting with several other Spanish cultural institutions is organised in the context of Arts combinatóries, a project that uses new technologies in order to create new forms of relationships with the cultural (…)

  • Radio broadcast with words & sounds related to the cross meeting between the sculptor of the mannequin factory Sommarti near la Cage aux Ours and the Brussels artist Antonin de Bemels aka le Bonhomme Daniel: stories about words, doubles, puppets and other metamorphoses. Recorded and composed (…)

  • March
  • From 2-14 March, Femke Snelting travels to Mali (Bamako), Senegal (Dakar) and Marocco (Casablanca). An international group of cultural organisers meets people and organisations active in the field of contemporary art and design. The trip is organised by the Mondriaan Foundation in collaboration (…)

  • A meeting of the group of women & free software around sox scripting and the integration of sox & e-speak in XML.

  • A meeting for artists, filmers, video makers, vj fanatics, artists who are interested in working with open source tools.
    During this meeting we’ll take some exemple projects of participants as starting point for a hands on comparison between two NLE systems: Cinelerra and Kdenlive.
    Cinelerra (…)

  • "Sniff, Scrape, Crawl"¦" is an ongoing interdisciplinary research project. Through a series of workshops, debates, lectures and presentations, the thematic project was launched with this event in the beginning of 2011 at the Piet Zwart Institute, Master Media Design and Communication in the (…)

  • The collective of ! Co LAPse KoDe will present their latest creation at the Festival for contemporary creation Le Souffle de l’Equinoxe in Poitiers, France. The festival presents 50 creations around the topic of new media & audience participation in performance arts. (…)

  • Screening of the film Rue du Nord in the temporary space of De Schaerbeekse Taal. In collaboration with 2bouts association and Nadine.
    With an introduction by Foued Bellali.
    Rue du Nord Foued Bellali & Cathy De Boeck & Nadia Remy
    50’ - 2003 - ov french, arabe - st english, (…)

  • The association PiNG organises reNUM, an exhibition with collective electronic creations made by artists and a group of people of 60 years old and above, all inhabitants of the Breil area and/or Nantes.
    During a residency in December 2010 Constant worked with the participants around the issue (…)

  • Radio broadcast with words & sounds related to the solidarity march at Place Colignon, organised in the framework of the International Woman’s Day on 8th March 2011.
    Treated words: femme, féministe, mama, oufti, badema, bonjour en chinois, sororité, çiçek, Güçlü.
    Recording & editing: (…)

  • April
  • For the annual art book fair PA/PER VIEW, Agency (Kobe Matthijs) speculates on the question: How to include book making in art practices? How are typeface designers, book binders, lay-outers, etc... taken into consideration by copyright law? Thing 001452 (Orion) and Thing 001535 (Introductory (…)

  • The month of March and April 2011, Constant member Wendy Van Wynsberghe is doing a residency in Bains::Connective. For the first public moment of this residency, Plankton Bar #39 on the first of April, some of her work will be presented. As another step in her trajectory Softwearables, she (…)

  • 5 members of the design-collective OSP travel to Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam to participate in Open Design Week. From 3-10 April they tour through the Mekong Delta to meet local F/LOSS fans through workshops, presentations and an exhibition. The second week is reserved for an intense work (…)

  • An Mertens will represent Constant at LabSurLab, collaborating in a workshop on Digital Tools for Performing Arts, moderating a round table about Women & Technology and co-presenting the European network Lab2Lab.
    LabSurlab is a meeting of *labs. Official labs, labs in the margin, (…)

  • Inscriptions: 02 502 57 34 (max 10 p)


  • article in De Morgen of thursday april 7, 2011
    by Rick Van Pluymbroeck

  • Screening, discussion
    in presence of Foued Bellali
    44’, 2006, 2BOUTS asbl - french, arabe - subtitles: french
    Place de Belgique talks about double nationalities and introduces us to men and women who are born in Belgium from Marocan parents. We follow the phases of their socialisation in (…)

  • In the framework of the Transeuropa festival, a transnational festival happening simultaneously in 12 cities throughout Europe, the GenderArtNet’s team and Lorenzo Sandoval will give a cartography workshop in Cluj Napoca, Romania. During the workshop we will explore two threads: A collective (…)

  • A meeting for those who are interested in working with Open Source Video tools. Topics of the day to be determined.Suggestions? Send a mail to: peter@constantvzw.org or join the osvideo mailing list.
    Mailing list:
    Blog: (…)

  • A meeting of the group of women & free software around the practice of backing-up data on a server.

  • The month of March and April 2011, Constant member Wendy Van Wynsberghe is doing a residency in Bains::Connective. For the second public moment of this residency, Plankton Bar #40 on the 29th of April, some of her work will be presented, and lots more by the other residents...

  • Screening & discussion on honey & bees in the area, in presence of the filmmaker and previous occupant of the shop, Christina Stadlbauer.
    HONEYSHOP Between September and October 2010, 7 kg of honey - harvested by a colony of urban bees located in Rue Gallait 80 - were exchanged for (…)

  • May
  • Tuesday 3 may we toast to Free Furniture! Mathieu Gabiot designed and constructed a large working table and three bench-variants that fit the many different working habits of the Constant community. The furniture that Mathieu made to measure on site is released under a Free Art License, meaning (…)

  • OSP will participate in the 6th Libre Graphics Meeting in Montreal with three talks and also co-organises a workshop weekend and an exhibition in StudioXX.
    LGM is an opportunity for give software developers, artists, designers and other graphics professionals to collaborate and learn from each (…)

  • Ellentriek is a series of workshops where artists can come and work together on their own artistic electronics projects. We work with themes. This Ellentriek has two threads happening simultaneously. You choose which thread you want to follow.
    Thread one: Normally Ellentriek stays under 20 (…)

  • A grid divides the map in eight regions. Each region has a label: "Ornamental", "Geolyrical", "Taxonomical", "Afraid of tomorrow", "Fermentational", "Miraculous", "Exobotanical", "The end of the world". On the background, a deconstructed street network of CLuj-Napoca. In the tension between the (…)

  • The Digitale Werkplaats together with AKV|St. Joost is organizing a day around sound & noise. Constant was invited to participate with a lecture and a workshop. We decided to make a contribution on scanning the inaudible frequencies, combining this with the manual made by julien Ottavi aka (…)

  • A grid divides the map in eight regions. Each region has a label: "Ornamental", "Geolyrical", "Taxonomical", "Afraid of tomorrow", "Fermentational", "Miraculous", "Exobotanical", "The end of the world". On the background, a deconstructed street network of CLuj-Napoca. In the tension between the (…)

  • Constant member An Mertens is hosting a workshop about i-literature at the yearly ’Writer’s day’, an event for amateur writers organised by Creatief Schrijven.

  • This talk will provide elements to think about social network platforms and the evolution of national and international legal agreements. We will examine the processes of homogenization of the web and the processes of legislative harmonization within the EU and see how they influence each other. (…)

  • Femke will participate in the Unbound Book: Reading and Publishing in the Digital Age with a talk about open source tools such as podofoimpose, laidout and psnup to explore design strategies that engage with the many dimensions of the book.

  • Re-broadcast of a program made by Radio Kif.
    Radio Kif is a radio station, established by 11 adolescents from the Marbotin neighbourhood, in the north of Brussels (Schaarbeek). Seven boys and four girls of around 16 took out to the streets to inquire people (their classmates, random (…)

  • A la recherche du gitan perdu
    In Schaerbeek, winter, jobless, prices are on the rise: this reality really puts you down. Music, dance, the sun revives you. And this song that keeps on coming back without ending. The song that reminds you of where you came from, who you are ...
    Get to know (…)

  • What are chips - no - not the ones you eat! How do you make a led burn?
    Can you sew with electronics?
    Come experiment with Ellentriek. Crocodile clamps don’t bite!
    (We will work under 5 Volt - battery powered)
    This is a workshop for children between 10 and 12 years old.
    Supported by the (…)

  • With Hisk students, we delve into art history and look at image quotes, sampling, intertextuality. We will analyse a few cases on works of art and licenses.

  • Tuesday 24 May @ 19:00 the D.I.Y. bookscanner built by/in Hackerspace Brussels will be operated for the first time through a speculative software that Pierre Marchand developed with contributions from John Haltiwanger. The experiment traverses text, image and data and plays with the various (…)

  • An open work moment for everyone working with video and open source software. This meeting is an opportunity to work on your transcoding, your time line editing, your experimental video-scripts in the company of colleague video makers. If you have particular questions, you need specific (…)

  • The final day of the Word-Shop temporary housing for the Language of Schaarbeek. has come. Today will be the last opportunity to visit us here, to listen to the database and the radio broadcasts that have been made.
    Also today is the launch of a new responsive neighborhood speech tool. A voice (…)

  • Lecture in the context of Shared Memory, a series on the various aspects of knowledge production and usage (Femke).

  • June
  • The project !Co LAPse KoDe was selected out of 97 submissions from 27 countries to participate in the international residency program of Marginalia+Lab, a space for creation and research in art and technology in Belo Horizonte, Brasil.
    During the residency in Belo Horizonte, the group wishes (…)

  • Samedies is a collective of women using free software. The Ninja Samedies will be a meeting around the following back-up tools: cron, rsync, tar, dump, clé privé & public, rdiff backup.
    The language spoken at Samedies is French.
    Please confirm your presence by sending a mail at (…)

  • !CoLAPseKoDe continues its research in De Pianofabriek KWP. Simon Yuill, Lot Jansen and An Mertens will be working with the surveillance imagesof one of the cameras of the residency. On a daily basis they will exchange scores and code with their collegues in Marginalia+Lab in Brésil, Dorothé (…)

  • We, members of the Labtolab network, have become convinced that the measures evoked by the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA*) will make our work harder, less efficient and sometimes even impossible.
    In a letter of concern, supported by major institutions, artists and thinkers in the (…)

  • LABtoLAB is a European network of media labs that aims to create a platform for: sharing experiences and ways of doing; studying specific cases; exploring the role of the lab in offering spaces for collaborative learning and knowledge exchange; examining the possibilities of life-long learning (…)

  • An Mertens, member of Constant, contributes with an article to Verz!n (jaargang 6,3), a magazine about writing for amateur authors. She develops the idea why it could be interesting for amateur writers to start publishing their work under a free license and what license is best to choose for.

  • Radio Marbotin is a radio station created by eleven adolescents of the Marbotin neighbourhood in North Brussels. Seven boys and four girls of around 16 took out to the streets to inquire people (their classmates, random passers-by) about what they believe is a "flamand".
    This is a re-broadcast (…)

  • In 2008 An presented the beta-version of the distributed novel ’CIAO/Tot Later’ in the exhibition Place@Space/NowHere in Z33 Hasselt. Years passed by and now she’s ready to present CIAO/Tot Later - the author’s cut, an object that is a beautiful book typeset by OSP accompanied by a digital story (…)

  • July
  • As a follow-up to the Expression of Concern regarding ACTA, a mailing list has been created to spread new information about the Agreement. It will also be the place to exchange ideas for action and debate different strategies. Please subscribe to : https://listes.domainepublic.net/listinfo/acta

  • Open source video meetings are for those artists and video makers who are enthusiastic about open source tools.
    We’ll discuss ideas for the soon to be opened ’osvideo lab’. Please bring your suggestions for the ’open content’ and ’free workflow’ video-screening we’ll organise in september.

  • In the framework of the first ACS Summer Institute, hosted by the University of Ghent, Constant member Femke Snelting invites participants in a hands-on workshop to discover various Open Source tools that can be linked together to transform existing texts into new publications. Starting from a (…)

  • In the framework of the first ACS Summer Institute, hosted by the University of Ghent, Constant member Peter Westenberg will present the project Schaarbeekse Taal and discuss the working methods, based on documentation of past events and activities.
    The three year project ’The Language of (…)

  • Radio broadcast with a remix that sound artist Mozhorus has made of the sound database of Schaarbeekse Taal.
    The world is sweating gnosis from the pores of reality. Professor Vulcain (aka Matthieu Gautier aka Christian Guillemet aka Mozhorus Tau Solarass; Gnostic chaotic bishop of the Diocese (…)

  • August
  • Artist Kirsty Stansfield and storyteller An Mertens will round up their 3 weeks residency at CCA with a workshop for artists and performers, in which they share the results of their research. In the framework of the CCA-program Creative Lab Kirsty and An will explore the concept of the "voice as (…)

  • Last spring Mathieu Gabiot designed and made 5 pieces of furniture for the
    Constant workplace.
    He conceptualized a large working table, 4 benches (in three variations) and a light fixture. The series was cut and assembled on site within a week, with materials from a local DIY store.
    After an (…)

  • Report of the performance of Delphine Auby that took place on 29 may 2011 in the framework of the project De Schaarbeekse Taal.

  • A letterbox. A megaphone. Words of citizens. Those are the ingredients of the performance The Wild Cry that writer / town crier Delphine Auby has carried out in the framework of the project La Langue Schaerbeekoise.
    Auby asks people to give her their written / spoken words about their (…)

  • From 12 to 16 September 2011, Les Samedies (Women and Free Software) organise a week of Python. Every morning we meet in the Gallait House to teach ourselves this programming language.
    - Stephanie Vilayphiou http://stdin.fr will be there every morning (10:00-12:30) to give us explanations, (…)

  • Femke participates in Don’t Know, a conference on the art of research developed by a.pass.

  • Nicolas Malevé, member of Constant, will participate in the panel "Sniff, Scrape, Crawl"¦". Bringing together artists, programmers and theorists, the project, initially launched at the Piet Zwart Institute, Master Media Design and Communication in the department of Networked Media, is a series (…)

  • An evening with presentations and screenings around the question what do we understand by ’Open Source Video’? No doubt that the cutting edge artistic content will be alternated by discussions about open codecs, free licenses and free software. Expected ingrediënts: Pure data, experimental Super (…)