Open Source Publishing: Design tools for designers

Open Source Publishing was a graphic design research work-group that used only Free Software tools. Now it has grown into an independent project from Constant.

Closely affiliated with Constant, OSP was created in 2006 as an experimental project to test the possibilities and realities of doing graphic design using an expanding range of Free Software tools. Over time it has grown into a diverse collaborative practice. In 2013 OSP has become an association independent from Constant.

OSP is serious about testing the possibilities and limitations of Open Source software in a professional design environment, without expecting to find the same experience as the ones we are used to. In fact, OSP is interested in experimenting with everything that shows up in the cracks.

Related events

RELEARN: Libre Graphics Summer School

The design caravan Open Source Publishing invites you for a design education experiment this summer "” from 26 until 30 August 2013 By and large, graphic design students bring a laptop to (…)

OSP Public Meet

OSP (Open Source Publishing) is a graphic design collective that uses only Free, Libre and Open Source Software. At the first OSP Public Meet you are invited to finally discover 9000 km of (…)

PA/PER VIEW: Assembly

For the annual art book fair PA/PER VIEW, Agency (Kobe Matthijs) speculates on the question: How to include book making in art practices? How are typeface designers, book binders, lay-outers, (…)

Territorial Practice

A two day workshop on F/LOSS cartographic tactics Even if cartography is generally produced from a bird’s eye perspective, details cannot be drawn from a remote location; they must be (…)

OSP @ Open Design Week

5 members of the design-collective OSP travel to Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam to participate in Open Design Week. From 3-10 April they tour through the Mekong Delta to meet local F/LOSS fans (…)

Territorial Practice

A two day workshop on F/LOSS cartographic tactics at the Israeli Center for Digital Art in the framework of the International Conference ’Open Sources versus Military Culture?’ organised by Tsila (…)

OSP/Nancy@Make Art

The theme of the 2010 edition of the Make Art festival is in-between design: rediscovering collaboration in digital art. OSP will give a presentation and will be part of the exhibition with the (…)

Fernand Baudin Prize on tour

The Constant book Tracks in elect(ron)ic fields won a Fernand Baudin Prize in 2009. This month, the accompanying exhibition travels to Paris for the avant-première of a tour throughout France.


July 1st marks the long awaited launch of OSP-foundry, a small but growing collection of Libre Fonts designed by OSP with other type collaborators. Complete typefaces, typographic thoughts, works (…)

Publishing in convergence

As invited guest to the Empyre mailinglist, Andrew Murphie, Mat Wall" Smith and OSP will discuss design in relation to this months’ topic Publishing In Convergence. From the introduction by (…)