Discover the languages of Schaerbeek!

Arab, Turkish, Berber, Dutch, Brussels, Swahili, Polish"¦ these are only few of the languages that colour the shared French language in the area around La Cage aux Ours/Place Verboeckhoven.
The dictionary of La Langue Schaerbeekoise/De Schaarbeekse Taal shows the influences of the many languages you hear daily in the big city. The book is also a contemporary portrait of an area and languages that are continuously evolving.

Vernissage on Tuesday 5-2 at 19h!
With guided visits for young & old (vzw Entr’âges).

La Langue Schaerbeekoise/De Schaarbeekse Taal is a project of vzw Constant in the framework of the neighbourhood contract Navez-Portaels. This social-artistic project took place around Place Verboekhoven aka La Cage aux Ours between 2009 and 2012. With the support of the Brussels Capital Region, The Commune of Schaarbeek and Renovas.

@ Maison des Arts / Huis der Kunsten

Chaussée de Haecht/Haachtsesteenweg 147, 1030 Brussels / Bruxelles