Unbound Libraries documentation

Unbound Libraries was a worksession around digital libraries and tools for the organisation and codification of knowledge. We understood libraries in their multiplicity and potentialities; from an authoritative position interwoven with colonial and patriarchal legacies to community-based processes rooted in local urgencies. We looked at digital infrastructures and tools which have the potential to question-by-doing the dominant practices, by widening the libraries’ terms of accessibility and agency. Unbound Libraries took place online from 31 May to 5 June 2020.
For the documentation of this intense week of home residencies and online exchanges, we asked to 4 different participants to recount and reflect on their situated experience of the worksession, as a generous way to share some of what happened. Their contributions are proposed here in form of itineraries through the huge amount of interviews, texts, recordings collected.
Thanks to the four guides for offering us their cut through the materials and to all the participants for contributing to the worksession.
All the materials are released under the CC4r, Collective Conditions for re-use.


BAL * Note take, note teller, list of possible fortunes

Eva Weinmayr * The power to name and frame

IM * MARCRU: on readable records that invite writing

TBD * Sharing No Title

CC4r * Collective Conditions for re-use


Brussels Almenack Lesbian (Jessica Gysel, Loraine Furter, Mia Melvær), Open Source Publishing (Gijs de Heij, Alex Leray), Infrastructural Manoeuvres Amsterdam (Anita, Martino), Hackers & Designers Amsterdam (Angeliki Diakrousi, Alice Strete, Anja Groten, Ola Hassanin), Read-in Amsterdam (Annette Krauss, Ola Hassanin, Svenja Engels, Laura Pardo), Mayday Rooms Londen (Rosemary Grennan), Roel Roscam Abbing, Jacopo Anderlini, Eva Weinmayr, Wendy van Wynsberghe, Clara Balaguer, Peter Westenberg, Femke Snelting, Elodie Mugrefya, An Mertens, Martino Morandi.

A big thank you to: Muntpunt Brussels (Lise Vanderpiete, Heleen Debeuckelaere), BNA-BBOT Brussels (Séverine Janssen), Cultuurconnect Brussels (Rosa Matthijs, Anikka Buysse), KBR Brussels (Hannes Lowagie, Frédéric Lemmers).