Het Techno-Galactisch Software Observatorium

Een collectie van materialen en sporen die tijdens de werksessie werden verzameld

The Techno-Galactic Guide to Software Observation

Christoph Haag remixing Harrison (cover)

The Techno-Galactic Guide to Software Observation gathers methods from the Techno-Galactic Software Observatory. It was collectively edited by Carlin Wing, Martino Morandi, Peggy Pierrot, Anita Burato, Christoph Haag, Michael Murtaugh, Femke Snelting, Seda Gürses and designed by Christoph Haag.

Streaming presentation: Seda Guerses

On Friday 7 September 2018 we celebrated the launch of the guide with a streaming radioshow from Constant studio in WTC25. With live contributions from various international observers.


Visit to the Computer Museum, Namur

Audio tour in NAM-IP


Visit to the Computer Museum, KULeuven

Lunch, World Trade Center Brussels, -1


Entreprecariat by Silvio Lorusso, a presentation

  • Audio recording (audio ends suddenly when audio recorder battery dies …)

Comfort and separation devices

Mia Melvaer: I Hope You Are Comfortable (waterfountain)

Walk-in Clinic

De Techno-Galactische inloopkliniek bood gratis hands-on observaties aan iedereen die nieuwsgierig is naar software door professionals en amateurs. De ter plaatse aangeboden diensten variërden van impromptu interface kritiek, collaboratieve inspectie van code, data dompeling, diverse vormen van network analyse, onbruikbaarheids tests, de identificatie van onbekende virussen, risico inschatting, het openen van zwarte dozen en meer.

Intake as a service

Agile Yoga (Anne Laforet)

List of services

The depliant of the services offered during the Techno-Galactic Walk-in Clinic.

Miscellaneous audio




Etherdump Archives
