Bureaucracksie documentatie

The term combines the French word – desk or office – and the Greek word κράτος (kratos) – rule or political power – with the Old English cracian – to make an explosive noise.

De werksessie Bureaucracksie bracht artivistische praktijken bijeen die zich bezig houden met imaginatieve toe-eigeningen van instructies en regelgeving. Bureaucracksie vond plaats tussen 7 en 12 december 2020. Deze werksessie onderzocht het bestuur van techno-sociale systemen via het prisma van de bureaucratie. Het uitvoeren van regels is een essentieel onderdeel van computerwerk, van digitale infrastructuren en van de samenlevingen waarmee zij werken. Kritische praktijken waarin oplijsten, filteren, benoemen, gereedschap maken, zorgen en delen belangrijk zijn, verlangen dat de boekhouding wordt gedaan. Zo dringen initiatieven rond Free/libre, Open Source software aan op het produceren van transparante procedures die bijdragen aan het creëren van gemeenschappelijke structuren, collectieve middelen en het aanpakken van het Gedrag van Code. De sessie vond online plaats op meerdere plekken. Het was de bedoeling om het te laten doorgaan in Hacktiris, de werkplek die Constant deelt met een grote groep kunstenaars en met andere organisaties in het centrum van Brussel. Maar dit bleek onmogelijk in verband met de nog steeds geldende anto Covid19 maatregelen die van kracht waren.


Articles on Constant website
Open Call

Redistributed participants bureaucratic documents
Seeds shared by Melt with participants

Input Moments

The first days were used to collectively exchange and work with a set of Input moments. These moments nourished reflection on how paperwork can generate beneficis from several perspectives.

  • Kate Rich brought the workshop Feral budget Generator
    The Feral budget generator spins projects into existence. This is a one hour multi participant workshop in the exciting work (RADMIN) of collectively creating and spending a budget.
  • Sarrita Hunn discussed the P2Panda protocol Starting with Liebe Chaos Verein’s development of the peer-to-peer protocol »p2panda« as a case study, we brainstormed collectively new metaphorical frameworks within which to designate the organisation of events, places and resources that can be shared equally among all participants in a network.
  • Francis Hunger proposed a lecture on the history of tables Hunger talk about historical table practices. With that he introduced the notion of In-Formation, a concept to be added to “data” and “algorithm”. At the beginning of the session, he asked us about our table practices: When did you last make a table and what was it about?
    Full presentation: https://bbb.constantvzw.org/playback/presentation/2.0/playback.html?meetingId=7e6b3919d077c8a932e5d54848f12201f58efc0f-1607501332472
  • shared a collective writing session.
  • Hans Lammerant presented his counter-bureaucratic peace work.
    Bureaucratic practices enable the state or large corporations to observe and act. Through documents and data they can track goods and people, and monitor all sorts of activities. Reason enough for kafkaian fears and suspicions. But nowadays a lot of these administrative traces and open(ed) data becomes available to everyone, turning the world into a large administrative database. This can be used to develop new forms of human rights and conflict monitoring and to create feedback into the political and legal system with independent counter-bureaucracies. I will present how such counter-bureaucratic research can be done with an example concerning arms trade.
    Full presentation : https://bbb.constantvzw.org/playback/presentation/2.0/playback.html?meetingId=7e6b3919d077c8a932e5d54848f12201f58efc0f-1607325585230
  • Gloria Gonzalez Fuster and Jolien Ghyselinck helped deconstructing the figure of Data Protection Officer. This was done with the help of an ABBA playlist.
  • Rares Craiut shared 4 daily video’s named Four European TV dinners.
    The “European TV dinners” pair for consumption two different crisis timelines: 1980’s socialist Cluj-Napoca Romania, and 2020’s capitalist Belgium Brussels. Both timelines are “bureaucracy” infused and they limit the way we consume food or performance, among others. Each film is associated with a food group menu, food groups that usually do something to us: fat, carbohydrates, protein, and lastly alcohol. You are not directed as to how specifically you should consume the series. Each episode is intended as an individual TV dinner experience. One possible suggestion though, would be to pay attention to the Time component. Time is the shared ingredient between bureaucracy, performance, cooking and film. Adding time (by slowing the movie to the duration of your meal, playing the film on a loop until you finish eating, running the movie with multiple play-pauses etc.) can make the difference between the frustration of fast-food type feeding and the comfort that comes with finding your own absorption rhythm.
    Video’s are here: https://video.constantvzw.org/bureaucracksy/
    Recipe texts are here: https://video.constantvzw.org/Bureaucracksy/TV_Dinners_Subtitles
    TV guide: https://video.constantvzw.org/Bureaucracksy/Tv_Dinners_Subtitles/TV_guide.pdf
  • In the evening hours participants could listen to late night podcasts in the series Ready to Commit offered by Peter Hermans. This experimental audio-essay contemplates, in multiple episodes, the performative role of voices — natural, synthetic, instructive, scripted, (un)clear, hesitant, conflicting — in travelling across landscapes of bureaucracy. In the cracks and folds of the sheets, editing histories and binder-pillows, all realities are real. A new episode was put online for asynchronous listening every day during the workshop at 22:00.


Intro script


Episode 1 script


Episode 2 script


Episode 3 script


Episode 4 script

Networked Ouija boarding
Homemade European TV-dinner lunch
Tracing arms trade


An Mertens, Brendan Howell, Caterina M, Dia Hamed, Elodie Mugrefya, Manufactura Independente (Ana Isabel Carvalho + Ricardo Lafuente), Donatella Portoghese, Eric Snodgrass, Federico Pozzoni, Femke Snelting, Francis Hunger, Hans Lammerant, Jonathan McHugh, Kate Rich, Loup Cellard, Lucia Palladino, Meltionary (Loren Britton + Isabel Paehr), Muslin Bros (Tamar Levit + Yaen Levi), Office for Joint Administrative Intelligence (Chris Dreier + Gary Farrelly), Peter Hermans, Peter Westenberg, Rares Craiut, Richard Wheeler, Sarrita Hunn, Simon Browne, Wendy Van Wynsberghe.

Feral budgetting
Feral budgetting donor sheet
Sharing table making practices



Participants Manufactura Independente made a system that walked through the daily activities that had taken place and fed an edited memory back to the worksession participants. presents snippets, scraps and fragments in a poetic ‘derive’.

Interface to Memoreads


The is at the same time a Bureaucracktic lexicon, a list of words that are relevant to the worksession, and a reader, listing texts and mediafiles about the topic.

A Big Bureaucracksy Blue Button meeting
Another BBB meet
Collective BBB scribbling



License (unless otherwise noted): Free Arts License http://artlibre.org/licence/lal/en/