XPUB Special Issue: TTY

The students of the first year of the XPUB master course of the Piet Zwart Institute in Rotterdam will be sharing the outcomes of the TTY trimester, a.k.a Special Issue 21, guest edited by Martino Morandi and Constant.

This contribution will be part of the yearly graduation show in WORM, where you will be able to see the works of the masters’s graduating students!


This issue started from a single technical object: a Model 33 Teletype machine.

The teletype is the meeting point between typewriters and computer interfaces, a first automated translator of letters into bits. Equipped with a keyboard, a transmitter and a punchcard read-writer, it is a historical link between early transmission technology such as the telegraph and the Internet of today.

Under the administration of our kubernētēs, Martino Morandi, each week hosted a guest contributor who joined us in unfolding the many cultural and technical layers that we found stratified in such a machine, reading them as questions to our contemporary involvements with computing and with networks.

The format of the issue consisted of on an on-going publishing arrangement, constantly re-considered and escaping definition at every point in spacetime, a sort of Exquisite Corpse Network. It evaded naming, location, and explanation; the Briki, the Breadbrick, the Worm Blob. A plan to release weekly bricks was wattled by a shared understanding of time into something more complex in structure, less structured in complexity.

Special thanks to Martino Morandi (guest editor), Andrea di Serego Alighieri, Femke Snelting, Isabelle Sully, Jara Rocha, Roel Roscam Abbing, and Zoumana Meïté.

Your generous contribution has made those releases possible, and we are deeply grateful for your gesture.


@ WORM, Rotterdam (NL)

Boomgaardsstraat 71, 3012 XA Rotterdam, Netherlands