

Constant contributed to the research project VISI.ON.AIR that was organised by MAXLab , the research platform that focuses on the interaction between art and digital technology of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerpen.

In the research project VISI.ON.AIR, MAXLab researchers initiated a dialogue about media, art and technology at the crossroads of their different research practices. It is an opportunity to work together to deepen and sharpen the vision and orientation of the research group. For this research, MAXlab collaborated with Constant, a Brussels organization of artists, theorists and technicians. They acted as screeners who analyzed and extrapolated the work of the research group.

Participating Maxlab researchers: Janna Beck, Jeroen Cluckers, Marco Fusi, Philip Meersman, Dan Mussett, Wes Nijssen, Gina Poortman, Michael Segers, Wouter Steel, Kristof Timmerman

Participating Constant researchers: Elodie Mugrefya, Martino Morandi, Femke Snelting, Peter Westenberg, Wendy Van Wynsberghe, Alice Neron

Constant proposed a diffractive approach: practices around Constant where made to interact with artistic research taking place in the surrounding of MAXLab. The resulting collective vibrations gave way to reflections and discussions.

  • Constant organised four meetings with experiments, exchanges and excercises.
    • 07/09/2020 Authorship, tools, medium
      How to approach individual / collective authorship, what is considered to be original, adaptation, remix ? Is not any broadcast/ distiribution a derivative work ?
    • 16/09/2020 Network Interdependency, Relationality
      Excercises with Science fiction as a tool and Federated networks.
    • 25/09/2020 Protocol, Platform, Infrastructure
      Streaming using Gstreamer via UDP and TCP protocols between the computers in the room.
    • 22/03/2021 Test broadcast
      Experimentation with streaming, remixing, sharing and collective listening: Peertube, OBS, pc-to-pc stream, webRTC, HLS, Webtorrent and more fiddlings !
    • 26/10/2020 Contribution to the Visi.on.air research day.
      "The materialization of this project and the translation of the dialogue into artistic practice happened through the development of a TV channel. The researchers involved formed an editorial board, devised and created the programs and invited students and external artists to contribute. This resulted in an experimental eclectic overview of what is going on within MAXlab, ranging from purely aesthetic to socially critical, with an open mind to the broader field of education and research in the arts."
  • In September 2021, a series of conversations between the researchers elaborated on possible future research lines. Fragments and quotes from these conversations, together with visual material, quotes, and references were brought together in a Zine that concluded this project. With text contributions by Martino Morandi and Elodie Mugrefya.