A clu¿b for confusing code situations

Constant wants to open up a new portal to gather and think, write, make, break, bake and form thoughts together on what a "coding club" might be. As challenging as it is to create a space that welcomes and fosters awkardness, confusions and misfits around coding, we want to weave a thread that might lead us to demistify different thematics that revolve around code, computing and their politics.

This initiative invites individuals who have a curiosity for the coding realm, whether you’re a seasoned programmer, someone who might want to learn about code, or someone simply intrigued by the possibilities for non-hierarchical ecosystems where we experiment with un/conventional ways of learning about computers, coding and everything that forms the digital fabric in our society.

The coding club welcomes you enthusiastically to find ways towards comfortable and joyful conditions for learning/sharing/experimenting together with coding. 

Some things we might try out might be:

  • hacking, opening up devices, perhaps breaking a few
  • How Html can help us with accessability
  • virtual/physical lock picking in different spaces
  • collective readings
  • ...

First gathering happening on Saturday 24 February from 14h to 17h at rue du fort 5, Brussels

This club is set to meet every month in Constant, please contact us at imane@constantvzw.org if you have any question or want to join. 

! Keep an eye on the constant website for the upcoming dates !

@ Constant

Rue du Fortstraat 5, 1060 Saint-Gilles | Sint-Gillis