Terrain of Treshold Voices

The project La Langue Schaerbeekoise is included in the exhibition and performance project Dissident Desire #2: Terrain of Threshold Voices in District in Berlin.

The exhibition and performance project Terrain of Threshold Voices is dedicated to forms of artistic research on language in relation to the transformation of the urban landscape through migratory movements. Inspired by the presence of written expressions (such as advertisements, posters, graffiti, t-shirts, etc) – which take the contemporary city as a textual surface – language phenomena are explored as terrains of friction between different communities.

On 12 november at 7 pm, Peter Westenberg will give a lecture on La Langue Schaerbeekoise.

@ District Kunst- und Kulturförderung

Malzfabrik, Bessemerstraße 2-14
12103 Berlin