Summercamp Electrified: workshop ’Routes + Routines Follow Blind’

This workshop is a detour through the city of Ghent guided by environmental data. Fit up with a self-made antenna, city walkers are dwelling through the electro magnetic fields of Ghent.

Part 1 EMF antenna

After a contextualization of the workshop by a presentation and introduction of EMF, participants will make their own EMF antenna. Tools and material are provided by Constant.

Duration: 3 hours

Part 2 Collective sound performance

Cars, wires, streetlights, security installations and a lot of other electronic devices create a urban environment saturated by electro magnetic radiation. By walking, the EMF-orchestra scans the city. The registered radiation becomes audible by portable speakers the participants are wearing. Electronic rhythms, pulses, noise, frequencies, dissonant tones, feedback "¦

Duration: 3 hours

If you’d like to participate in the workshops mail to

@ Timelab - Sint Pietersnieuwstraat 23 - 9000 Ghent