Stitching Stories - reNUM

The association PiNG organises reNUM, an exhibition with collective electronic creations made by artists and a group of people of 60 years old and above, all inhabitants of the Breil area and/or Nantes.

During a residency in December 2010 Constant worked with the participants around the issue of work, storytelling and cartography. The online and tactile sound map Stitching Stories will be showed together with creations made by the participants and other artist residents (Lolab - Nantes), Laurent Neyssensas (photographer - Nantes) and The atelier d’architecture RAUM (Nantes/Brussels).
Opening in collaboration with the festival SONOR.

@ Nantes

Pôle associatif du 38 Breil – salle rouge – Nantes
ERN de la Laverie – La Ferté Bernard