Project: SpecXcraft

SpecXcraft Diplomacy Session

In the framework of the co-creative research project Speculative crafting for un/common futures (Specxcraft), the 4 Brussels-based organisations, Urban Species, Natagora, Centre Vidéo Bruxelles, Constant and their allies, came together to share the results of 4 internal workshops.

These workshops took place in the course of 2024 with the members of each organisation and they were aimed to imagine narratives of future scenarios that escape the actual crisis we fell are hunting our reality. The results of these collective re-writing / re-imagining were presented in different format (videos, postcards, notebooks) and opened up the way to many interesting discussions and cross-thinking.

@ Constant Studio

388 Chaussée de Jette | Jetsesteenweg 388, 1081 Koekelberg