Sarma Salon#7: Scores and Constraints

An Mertens will present a statement on working with scores in the 7th Salon organised by Sarma & Workspace Brussels.
Many performance artists work with scores or self-imposed constraints. Yet what do scores and constraints do precisely? How do they function and how do they effect the organisation of a working process or a performance situation? And more widely: what can they mean for today’s larger artistic landscape? Several artists will enter into dialogue around these questions.

Concept: Jeroen Peeters. Participants: Shila Anaraki(tbc), Ellen Bilterest, Sara Manente, Leslie Mannès, An Mertens, Lilia Mestre, Stefan Prins (tbc), Kajsa Sandström, Manon Santkin, Marcos Simoes
Production: Sarma. Co-production: WorkSpaceBrussels. With the support of Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie

More about the Salons: How do artists work today? How do they speak about their method? How can one make a start with documenting, discussing and sharing the hybrid and heterogeneous practices that underpin the performing arts today? How can the informal and embodied discourses, as well as the implicit knowledge they carry, find a wider recognition and accessibility? A series of monthly salons, organized by Sarma on different locations in Brussels, create a live research environment for makers and researchers to address issues of new artistic practices and discourses.

@ Les Brigittines

Place de la Chapelle / Kapellekerk 5 - 1000 Bruxelles / Brussel