Pure data patching circle @ Variable #09: PureData for Tablet and other Mobile Platforms

The Patching Circles are open workshop sessions to learn and share about the pure-data software and other. During this session we’ll look at different tools available to use puredata with a mobile platform with iOS or Android. Artist and programmer Yacine Sebti will come to share his experience in the matter.

On the program:

First we’ll quickly explore several customisable GUI apps to connect with puredata on your computer and the protocol they use (OSC - Midi / Serial - Bluetooth - wifi ), to develop your own interfaces, with f.ex. Control (OSC-Midi) ; TouchOSC ; Fantastik ; "¦

Then we’ll discover how to directly embed patches within a mobile app, using the libpd core library and frameworks like DroidParty/iOSParty or OpenFrameworks to generate an interface.

Bring your own device (android or iOS) to patch on, (and your earplug if you are willing to play with sound)


PD Patching Circles are free and open for anyone, debuting as well as veteran,
Please subscribe: pdcircles@ogeem.be

Mailing list:
to get updates and participate in the group discussion, you can join the mailing list here https://listes.domainepublic.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/patchingcirclebxl

@ Constant Variable

Rue Gallait straat 80
1030 Brussels