Pure data patching circle Brussels @ Variable #07

De Patching Circles zijn open sessies om kennis op te doen en te delen rondom Pure Data en andere softwares.

Nicolas d’Alessandro komt ons zijn werk met spraaksynthese tonen. Hij werkt met een analoog model: stemgeluiden gefilterd door orgels; dit is anders dan de klassieke analytische ’sample based’ benadering.

/Hands on Performative Speech Synthesis in Pure Data/

Purposes of voice synthesis have significantly evolved over the last 50
years, tackling more and more complex challenges. The early first
challenge has been to produce intelligible speech. Intelligible means
that the message (words, sentences) can be understood by others. For
this purpose, voice articulation is defined as rules, trajectories on
production models parameters. Later, we see the challenge of producing
voices with a more natural timbre. Here "natural" means that it has to
be close enough from a real human voice, in order to be confusing and
thus comfortable for the listener.
This challenge has been addressed for the last 15 years by using
prerecorded voice material (databases) and reorganize contents (by
concatenating subdivided units) in order to meet the requested sentence.
The impact of these different voice production strategies on achievable
realtime abilities and controllability of the system is huge. Relying on
a voice model gives access to production parameters, which is nice for
realtime control, as far as a meaningful mapping can be designed (e.g.
some problems with physical models). Using database segments helps in
achieving natural sounds but highlights many controllability problems.
Transversally to these issues, the "how can I patch that in Pure Data ?"
question often pops up. This is exactly what we address in this
tutorial! It is useful for anybody who is interested in producing
synthetic voice in a realtime application, a digital instrument or an
interactive artistic project. We will use some basic understanding of
how voice is produced, not more than the basic source/filter
representation, and more complex aspects of voice synthesis (such as
spectral processing, articulatory models, unit management) will be
re-explained and illustrated with examples. Indeed studied techniques
will be described through simple patch examples.


Na de workshop is er een performance en drink. De sessie is vrij toegankelijk en gratis, zowel voor beginners als voor veteranen.
Gelieve te reserveren: pdcirclesATogeem.be

Je kan je ook inschrijven op de mailinglijst:

@ Variable

RueGallait 80
1030 Schaerbeek