Pure data patching circle Brussels @ Variable #06

*//*The Patching Circles are open workshop session to learn and share
about the pure-data software and other.

This session will make us a loop, permitting us to revisit sound
processing techniques as well as exploring more the RaspberryPi, with
the presentation of the ongoing project of Pierre Massat of a pure-data
guitar effect pedal. Pierre was one of our past attendees, and continued
to work on his patches on the RaspberryPi, arriving at good result, with
the help of recent focus of the pure-data community on this machine.
Also, other have found ways to stream video from a webcam and sound with
external usb audio input...


the workshop will be held between*/13:00h and 19:00h on the 16th of
February 2012/*
session open and free to all, debuting as well as veteran,

subscribe please: pdcircles@ogeem.be

_*mailing list: *_

to get updates and participate in the group discussion, you can join the
mailing list here

@ Variable

RueGallait 80