Publiactie: Lexicon for new words and technologies

Integrated design conference + gathering words for our lexicon

PubliActie proposes a series of worksessions and interventions around
words and definitions connected to moods, actions, sentiments we
experience daily as a result from digital developments.

PubliActie is a cooperation between Ada (women and new technologies),
bolwerK, Constant vzw, Unfold.

On 22 october phase one of the project is launched: the Explore group
of ADA Atel will be treated to a ’words gathering’ session for the
PubliActie lexicon. Having just experienced its first encounters with the
world of computer science, skills and technology, the group looks for
definitions and words related to new technologies and its consequences.
The session includes an introduction to free licenses and a worksession
with the free drawing software Inkscape, The Gimp and Dia.

@ Atel, Boekenbeurs, De Singel, Antwerpen

@ Atel, Boekenbeurs, De Singel, Antwerpen