Sharing Techno-Disobedient stories

Constant invites you to a moment of sharing and thinking together. We will discuss practices that arose during a collective research week around Techno-disobedience that was organised in collaboration with esc medien kunst labor in Graz, Austria in October:,3774.html?lang=en

The Brussels based artists who joined, brought back a number of ’talking pieces’ that will help us think of disobedience as a generative attitude allowing for more solidary, community driven, techno- imaginaries and realities.

Through recalling and sharing their stories, anecdotes of situations we went through, reflections on the experiments with reclaiming tech that took place, we will try to constitute relations to larger questions about agency, control and the intersections between technology, labour, care, anti-racism, queer life and trans*feminist techno-politics.

Please expect: collective exchange, stories, images, objects in a convivial setting with snacks, drinks, and relaxed company.

@ Constant

Rue du Fortstraat 5, 1060 Saint-Gilles | Sint-Gillis