OPENCOIL: Call for Participation
In recent years the pavements of many cities around the world have been flooded by so-called "dockless sharing vehicles". With promises of eco-friendly mobility, venture capitalist companies have occupied both the legal and physical grey zones between private and public space on the streets of our cities, raising important questions about ownership, agency, ecology and economy in contemporary urban space.
The OPENCOIL Workshop explores the impact of such micro-mobility services on (public) urban space by reappropriating their decentralised infrastructure as a space for experimentation, while also addressing the conditions and effects of this infrastructure.
In the workshop, participants will create a parasitical network of offline hotspots through the city using a non destructive and non-invasive modification on the colorful vehicles throughout the city. These nodes together form OPENCOIL, a collective exhibition in public space that can be looked-for by insiders via a live "treasure" map, but can also be encountered serendipitously by passerbys.
The sum of all these encounters wants to provoke new discussions and explore modes of critical engagement with micro-mobility services, their economical, spatial and social impact on the urban space.
The workshop runs for two full days, the 10th and 11th of September, and the location for it will be Constant’s new shared space on the Chaussée de Jette. A basic understanding of HTML/Javascript and of the Arduino programming language is adviced, but curiosity and openness to learn things with others are the only requirements to join. The workshop participation is free of charge and Constant will provide lunch and refreshments for the two days.
If you would like to join, please send an email to, with a few lines motivating your interest before the 21st of August. You will receive an answer shortly after.
The OPENCOIL project is supported by the City of Brussels - Department of Culture, Youth, Leisure and Sports.
@ Constant Atelier
Jetse Steenweg 388 Chaussée de Jette