Nubo community day in Antwerp

Come and discover Nubo, get help setting up your smartphone, laptop or tablet and think about digital sustainability!

Nubo is a Belgian cooperative offering online services that respect your privacy. Nubo’s services are open to everyone, whatever you want to use them for. Nubo is a mailbox and online storage space (cloud), open source and local.

More info:

Are you thinking of using Nubo, are you already a cooperator or a user? Everyone is welcome between 2 and 5 pm at Stadsform.

  • 2pm: What is Nubo: presentation of the project
  • 3pm: Config party: practical help with Nubo
  • 4pm: Digital sustainability: a frank conversation about the ecological impact of digital services. What do we mean by ‘sustainable’ and where does Nubo stand on the subject (with contributions from Constant)

@ Stadsform

Stadswaag 6, 2000 Antwerpen | Anvers