Lancement de la publication

Nous sommes très de vous inviter au lancement de la publication en ligne de Cqrrelations. Cqrrelations était une session de travail de deux smeaines à deBuren, en janvier 2015.
Comme une année en représente dix dans les monde des Cqrrelations, cela nous a paru une bonne idée de transformer cette rencontre en un autre moment de réflection.

Les invité.es partageront leurs dernières idées avec nous :
* Geoff Cox élaborera quelques idées de son livre ’Speaking Code’ à partir de développements actuels -
* Antoinette Rouvroy sera la respondante ; en tant que chercheuse elle a lancé le concept de la ’Gouvernance algorithmique’, pour indiquer des processus de désicion basés sur des statistiques :
* RYBN présenteront Dataghost 2, une mise-à-jour de
* Manetta Berends & Ruben van de Ven, tou.tes les deux diplômé.es de PZI cette année, présenteront leur travail de fin d’études, pour lequel ils se sont inspiré.es de la session de travail Cqrrelations

14-19h présentations & discussions
19-20h : boissons & snacks

Où : FoAM, Koolmijnenkaai / Quai des Charbonnages 30-34, 1080 Bruxelles

Merci de réserver en envoyant un mail à info||||| at||||| constantvzw||||| dot|||| org

Plus d’informations sur les présentations qui seront en anglais

Geoff Cox - Speaking algorithms
In 2012, Geoff Cox published Speaking Code, a book written with Alex
McLean, examining some of the economical and political conditions of
coding and the analogy to free speech. Starting from the idea of code as
speech act, it unfolded its argument in dialogue with code fragments. In
his presentation, Geoff will further develop some of these ideas in the
light of an apparent shift in software studies : in which algorithms
increasingly replace source code as objects of critical concern. What are
the lines of continuity and discontinuity in this apparent shift ? What has
been displaced in the shift of discourse ? How does this relate to big data
and how value is produced through correlations ? From there, Geoff will
return to the question of speech and ask : if algorithms could speak, what
would they say ? If data were able to speak for itself, what would it say
about itself and its value ? Geoff’s presentation will be interspersed by
code fragments selected from different machine learning software libraries
selected by the Cqrrelations team.
Geoff Cox is Associate Professor in the School of Communication and Culture, and Participatory IT Research Centre, Aarhus University (DK), currently engaged on a 3 year research project The Contemporary Condition funded by the Danish Council for Independent Research (with Jacob Lund). He is also Adjunct faculty Transart Institute (DE/US), an occasional artist/curator, and part of the self-institution Museum of Ordure.

RYBN - Dataghost2
Dataghost2 explores the use of hermeneutic interpretation systems of the Kabbalah applied to communication networks, in the attempt to update the hidden messages that hide there. A /daemon/, installed on a server, spies on all electronic communication and captures the content that is been generated by the active processes at work in the management and administration of the network. All this content is fed to different decipherment algorithms that reproduce the emblematic techniques of the Kabbalah - /Gematria, Temura et Notarique./
RYBN.ORG is an artistic collective based in Paris since 2000. They’re specialised in the creation of installations, performances and interfaces that refer as much to the codified systems of artistic representation (painting, architecture, counter-cultures) as to human and physical phenomenons.

Manetta Berends - i-could-have-written-that
The large amount of digital text available these days, is presented as the problem that text mining can solve. Written language from social media users, product reviews and even essays from students are turned into data. Text mining is executed with untenable enthusiasm and a strong belief in the reading abilities of a text mining system. However, an actual text mining process is messy and chaotic. Although the eventual results are presented as being read or mined from the text, they show more similarities to something that is written. This research project shows how the software, workprocess and vocabulary together construct text mining results.
Manetta Berends has been educated as a graphic designer at ArtEZ, Arnhem before starting her master-education at the Piet Zwart Institute (PZI), Rotterdam. From an interest in linguistics, code and a research based design practice, she currently works on the systemization of language in the field of natural language processing and text mining.

Ruben van de Ven - Choose how you feel ; you have seven options
What does it mean to feel 64% happiness and 12% disgust ? The video work ’Choose how you feel ; you have seven options’ revolves around this question as it looks at software that derives emotional parameters from facial expressions. It interrogates a discursive apparatus that is being erected.
Combining his backgrounds in filmmaking and programming, Ruben van de Ven (NL) challenges alleged objective practices. He is intrigued by the intersection of highly cognitive practices and ambiguous experiences. In his last works he wonders : "what does it mean to feel 47% happy and 21% surprised ?"

@ FoAM

Koolmijnenkaai / Quai des Charbonnages 30-34, 1080 Brussels