Project: SpecXcraft

SpecXcraft book launch

We are delighted to invite you to the book launch of specXcraft’s collective publication (EN/FR): Speculative crafting for un/common futures in Brussels | Fabriquer collectivement d’im/possibles futurs pour Bruxelles

This is a polyphonic account in words and images of the work that four Brussels associations carried out over 18 months. Natagora, Centre Vidéo Bruxelles, Constant and Espèces Urbaines/Urban Species looked for more situated, relevant, and collective ways of imagining the future of Brussels. They did this based on their respective practices and struggles, their commitments to environmental in/justice, social in/justice, technological in/justice, and epistemological in/justice, in Brussels.

This project and its publication have been funded by Innoviris/Cocreate.

Come and find out more about this work on Monday 27 May, from 5.30-7.30 pm at the ULB Faculty of Architecture (auditoire Victor Bourgeois, ground floor).
*kids and other companion species are welcome*

@ ULB Faculty of Architecture

Place Flageyplein 19, 1050 Ixelles | Elsene