LGM2013: Future Tools

The yearly Libre Graphics Meeting (LGM) gathers users and developers of Free, Libre and Open Source software for creative work. LGM is a self-organised event, put together by designers, artists, free culture activists and software developers because they want to make their Libre Graphics toolbox even better.

The 2013 edition takes place from 10 to 13 April in Madrid, Spain and is hosted by Medialab Prado in the context of the Libre Graphics Research Unit. The meeting is themed Future Tools. How can we (re)invent a Libre Graphics workflow that supports collaboration and exchange? How can we develop tools for a Read-Write World?

LGM2013 is an opportunity for developers and users from all over the world to meet and exchange experiences, ideas and code. LGM2013 hosts team-meetings and workshops plus 65 inspiring talks to showcase new and upcoming projects such as Tupi, Kune, Synfig and Laidout and well-known free/libre softwares such as Gimp, Inkscape, Scribus, Blender and Krita.
The program features typography, animation, open education, vector drawing, bitmap editing and open furniture. Participation is gratis and all presentations will be streamed to make them accessible for remote publics.

Click here to lend your support to: Libre Graphics Meeting 2013 and make a donation at www.pledgie.com !

Medialab Prado, Madrid