Happy New Year! Happy Public Domain Day!

Our best wishes for 2012 to everyone who reads this message, supports us, inspires us, works with us!

Our wishes are enriched by the impressive wealth of knowledge, information and beauty that today, like every year on this day, becomes freely available to humankind. Every year on New Year’s Day, due to the expiration of copyright protection terms on works produced by authors who died several decades earlier, thousands of works enter the public domain - that is, their content is no longer owned or controlled by anyone, but it rather becomes a common treasure, available for anyone to freely use for any purpose.

On this day we welcome the works of a.o. Virginia Woolf, James Joyce, Rabindranath Tagore, Henri Bergson, Marina Ivanovna Cvetaeva, Robert Baden-Powell (parodies welcome) and very nearby, Georges Minne.

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